Runes Of Magic Toni Quest Line

Runes Of Magic Toni Quest Line Rating: 7,4/10 8720 votes

OverviewThis page lists the quests that can be completed in chapter 2 and latter chapters. They are mostly class quests for the Order and Mages, except for the first quest on the page.Since this is the first chapter that you'll encounter lizardmen, you're bound to find the lizard swords on them. In order to identify their material and origin, talk to Walter ( #4) in the harbour city.He'll inspect the item and notice that besides the obsidian which is just too brittle, there's a gold lining in between. That alloy of obsidian and gold can be used to make useful sword blanks. These are some of the most powerful crafted swords in the game.

You'll also gain 100 experience as you complete the quest.Once you talk to Master Vitus ( #1), he'll be able to instruct you in bullet magic if you've already found a magic crystal. Magic crystal can be found in two places: either during or during one of the quests for the crystal disks.After show it to Vitus, he'll be able to teach you the bullet magic and you'll receive 50 experience, concluding this quest.The frost crystal is obtained from Master Pallas ( #2).

Last thing Toni tells you is to go find Morning Star or Morrock Wallinder 61 Toni's Rescue - It is probable this quest was removed; This is the beginning of the Magical Reconstruction quest series. It joins together the adventures you have shared with Morrock Wallinder (in this quest series) and Toni (in the Return the Glory quest series. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Published on Sep 10, 2018. Toni's quest line in.

White An art gallery MMO.Why?Well, why not? Hang out in another player’s gallery and shoot the crap about what you had for dinner last night while you’re in the main chat pondering the meaning of a painting of a mound of butter. Regardless of whether you can rattle off your top five favorite works from Picasso’s blue period, or the only Michelangelo you know wears an orange mask, is bridging the gap between aficionados and well, everyone else. Design a masterpiece of a maze out of dirty tunnels and don’t hang a single piece of artwork. This is an early-access game where you can build a sprawling futuristic compound and fill it with Monet.

Talking to him will reveal that he wants 1000 gold coins for the crystal. However, you can chip it in for 500 gold coins, by giving him a bog body heart (bog bodies are those creatures coming from the swamp and can be found all over the island) and a small sapphire (one of those can be found during the quest.Each one of those items reduces the price by 250 gold coins. Therefore in the end, you'll only have to pay 500 gold coins and Pallas will give you the crystal and instruct you in frost magic.

You'll also receive 100 experience.The seals' quests are received from Ignatius, as he's the mage who teaches you the seals. Talk to him ( #3) and he'll teach you the first seal if you have 50 wisdom. Learning seals will allow you to use spells inscribed on runes. You'll earn 100 experience for completing the quest.There are several spells for the first seal of rune magic and those are Light Magic Healing, Light, Create Illusion, Telekinesis, Nautilus Transformation and Tell Joke. Destroy Magic Barrier is also a spell of the first seal but its rune is found later in the game.The second seal is learnt from Master Ignatius once you reach 100 wisdom.

During the process you'll also learn 200 experience. Learning the second seal of rune magic allows the use of more complex spells.The spells of the second seal are Levitation, Berserker, Magic Protection and Medium Magic Healing.

Destroy Magic Force Field is also part of the second seal but it's unlocked much later in the game.Once you've achieved 150 wisdom, talk to Ignatius again to learn the third seal of rune magic. While also gaining 300 experience, you'll gain power to wield the runes of the third seal.Among the most useful is Open Locks, which enables you to open any locked chest or door which isn't unlocked by a very specific key (obtained from the main story line). The other spells are Strong Magic Healing and Speed, which greatly increases your movement speed.After getting 200 wisdom (which is the maximum you can acquire), the fourth seal becomes available from Ignatius. There are only two spells in this seal, and those are Transform into an Ashbeast (which is found at a secret spot much later in the game) and Inferno which can be bought from Cyrus in Chapter 4.1 - Master Vitus2 - Master Pallas3 - Master Ignatius4 - Walter.

Atlantis: The Kingdom of Mu'Glory to Atlantis! Jewel of the Ocean! Glory to Its Archon and His Dynasty!' Atlantis, the greatest city ever founded, the Jewel of the ocean and pride of its founders. The city resides at the bottom of the sea, in a place so deep that no human could ever survive attmepting the trip.

The city's buildings and streets glow with the brightness from the Noctiluca scintillans (Bioluminescent Plankton) which the many laborers gather as to keep the city alight.It's buildings are a mix of new and old construction. With the old buildings only surviving due to their place at the moment of their construction, and now serving as key vital areas for the entire city and its foundations. To remove the building itself is to remove the city. Something that many in the upper classes grumble about, and have no choice but accept their continued existance.The difference between the old and the new could not be more different, between night and day if Atlantis still received daylight. The new buildings come from material born from the bottom of the sea, and are held properly through a combination of architecxture and magic runes set by the Mage Caste, ensuring that it will last for millenia to come, as the new construction has done.Yet it pales to the remains of the old buildings, which have survived the fall itself, which stand proudly even now. Which in its construction can be found the forbiden hand of technology.Technology is a taboo word in Atlantis, for they all remember that it was technology which caused the fall, that it was the mages and its leader, who would go on to found the Dynasty as the first Archon and its Mage Council, which saved Atlantis by protecting it from as much of the destruction as possible, and by making it forbiden to research, use, or even touch technology itself.Yet the technology is resiliant, it remains surviving where it should have broken down, like a stain on what it should be a blank canvas. Taunting the new masters of the city, and tempting all who wonder and dream of greater things.

Of the glory that the city once possessed, of the great Utopia that shined in the sun.Not that there are many of those.Atlantean society is strictly hierarchichal, with members being born into a Caste and kept there through the use of force and societal pressure. All the things that someone says and speaks is known by the Mage Council, amking it impossible for someone to get any privacy, while also expounding the virtues of the Dynasty and the glory of the city. With no dissention and no opposing voices, the truth of the Mage Council is the truth of the city, and those who disagree don't tend to last long.The Mage Caste also makes sure that no deviations are caused between the different Castes, and that no one dares to attempt to move against the established order and the Dynasty of the Archon, ruler of all. They do this by fomenting dissenssion between them, and making sure that no Caste can ever have the power to challenge the established order. Be it through undermining the trust between them, or by crippling their ability to rise up should they ever decide to.Another way they stop all thoughts of challenge to their rule is through thte control of the knowledge of the past,as by Royal Decree, the research into history before the fall is strictly forbidden.

Any version that deviates from the one given by the Mage Council is inmediately stamped out, and the guilty party sent to the Council to do with them as they please.The Caste system was the first institution set after the fall by the Archon and Mage Council. Setting the foundations for the future of the city by making sure that the power would be only in the hands of those who could properly use it, and who could properly understand the dangers that could come from it. This system made stability possible, as it strangled independent thought in its craddle.Among the most important buildings found in the city is the Colloseum, a remnant of an age long past, a massive structure in which much of the population can enter in order to see the different duels between the Noble families, as well as plays and re-enactments of glories long gone.

It is also the place where the criminals and those accused of treason are executed, either by warriors, or by mages wishing to experiment a new spell, cantrip or concoction.Some of the buildings who survived the fall are the 'Pale Towers'. Great skyscrappers who allowed instant communication through the entire city and beyond, with machinery so complex that unless you know the right path you can get lost entering. Nowadays they are used as watchtowers for the entire City Domain. Since no one remembers how to make them work they remain in place by the grace of the Mage Council. As such they lay in wait until someone once more activates them.One of the places that is only half destroyed is the central location where the Main Hub of the city once resided, where the center for all knowledge could be accessed.

Now it's where the Palace Complexes are, new constructions meant for the residence of the Royal Caste, His retainers and servants. The area however is under the stewardship of the Mage Council, which makes sure that only them can access the font of information.Many of the buildings prefer the new Gothic look, different from the Classical one that Atlantis had before the fall. Dark tones and somber images are the norm in Atlantis, while the happyness and brightness has been left to rot and dissapear from the public eye.

Even the bright temples of the cult of Neptune, being perhaps the only belief Post-Fall that had been allowed to remain, have been modified to better fit the new thematic of the city, and the sermons and teachings as well.This is the city of Atlantis, once the shining city upon a hill, now the low burning embers in a sunken chasm.The Atlantean Caste System'It is by Decree of the Archon, the saviour of our fair city, that henceforth those who can fight will fight, and those who labor shall labor, and so on asnd so forth. Thus shall it be for their descendents. And their descendents, unto oblivion itself!' There are few words that can be used to describe the Social and hierarchichal system of the city of Atlantis, mainly because to try to describe it in the most exemplary terms is a one way ticket to the Colosseum. Introduced by the Mage Council and Archon Atum I just after the fall, this system was designed to make sure that there never was a single social shakeup in the city. It brought peace and stability, as well as stagnation, repression, and tyranny.Among the differences between the castes is the aquatic traits that they possess.

The more traits, the more magical power that they are said to have, and as such the greater the favor to Neptune, the Great God of Atlantis, who gave the secret of sorcery to them all. It is no question then that it is among the higuer castes where the most prominent traits can be found.Peasant Caste: The Laborers and the Chaff' J-Just keep your head down and don't make a fuss! They'l be gone soon enough.' Of all the Castes it is the Peasant Caste the one that can be said to be the more populous of all.

They live in the lower parts of the city, the ramshackle buildings which are inc ocnstant need of renovation and at the edge of being destroyed. The lights are always near shutting down, as nearly all the Bioluminescent Plankton they collect must be given to the Mage Council, which will split it between the many sections of the city which will need it. Leaving them with the droppings.The Peasant Caste, as defined by the Mage Council, was to take on the burden of supplying the city with the things it needed to survive, either by laboring in the aquaculture fields, or by serving as manual labor in construction. They are recognizable by their near humanoid shapes, with the only differences between them being their gills in their necks, the blue coloring of their skin, and their deep dark eyes.Another duty and right they have, and perhaps their only chance at a better life, is the formation of an Exploration Corps.

As the first line of defense against the sea creatures that roam outside of Atlantis (and the first hit as well) it is their mission to explore the areas near and outside Atlantis control and either fight off single creatures that move too close, or give advance warning in case of a full blown incursion. Among the incentives for joining is the promise for advancement to the Warrior Caste in case they manage to kill five of the undersea creatures by themselves.The lives lost are too long to count, and the ones who managed to achieve this objective have never survived their wounds.The Warrior Caste: The Meat Shields'Obey the Officer, Obey the Mage, Obey the Archon! Obey the Officer, Obey the Mage, Obey the Archon!' The Warrior Caste members live their lives in the barracks around the city, each of them built with the idea that they serve as both a fortress against enemies outside, and a prision for the inhabitants inside.

Living, growing up, and training under their brothers in arms, the Warrior Caste live under the Agoge system of Sparta, where they are removed from their parents at birth and sent to another barrack to be trained.The Warrior Caste can easily be described as 'All Brawn, No brains' and it would still give them too much credit. This Caste was founded with the intention to always have at a hand a group that would obey orders no matter what. Be it to hold the line against a horde of sea creatures, taking the blow meant for one of their Noble caste officers, or even kill or kidnap one of the Peasant Caste members for whatever purpose the Mage Council might have.The Warrior Caste, due to their closeness to the city and the ambient magic, have more aquatic yet bestial traits, such as the lower half of their bodies being fish tails, or Octopus tentacles, as well as their tops occasionally being more similar to fish. They have bulging muscles due to their martial training, and are always willing to face the enmy head on.since that is the only way that they are taught to fight. While the Warrior caste serve as the soldiers, it is the Noble Caste who serve as the officers, the ones who can actually think the tactics to fight against enemies.One cannot be sure if their simplemindedness is to be envied.or pitied.The Noble Caste: The officers and the scheemers'My enemy's enemy dies first, gain your enemy's favor, and then bind him to your service.'

The Noble Caste lives near the inner city, where most of the great mansions and aqua gardens can be found. Here they can live in relative luxury and be taught and trained in the ways of tactics, preparing them in leading the Atlantean army against the enemy, while making sure to inculcate what every great Noble family knows it's true. That among the Nobles, they are the only one worthy enough to be the leader of the other families.If the Noble Caste can be summed in one word, it would be 'treacherous', and that would be underselling it. The Noble Caste knows that they will have the complete obedience of the Warrior Caste, but that is not enough for them, as hey crave the obedience of their own peers as well. As such, they are always scheeming, plotting and undermining their own members so as to hold them in bondage and force their obedience through force, favors, blackmail, etc.Their aquatic traits emulate their more devious nature, as such they are closer to a combination between man and fish, creating what could be considered Mer-People. All members of the Noble Caste can only understand a relationship with others where they are the ones at the top, as they have been conditioned to see all lives but theirs as disposible ones as training for using the Warrior Caste.And yet they find no problem at all with the Mage Caste being the ones controlling the city.Just as it was planned.The Mage Caste: The Power in the Shadows'Increase the tithe, they will have to fight or revolt, which will elimiinate the troublemakers.

Hopefully we can get rid of the excess population as well.' The Mage Caste resides in the buildings near the Royal Palace, making them the ones closest to the central power of the city. Sir Spellheart!“ For justice!Fer’ freedom!For free real-estate!”In The Fae wilds there is a little village,in this little village are little people,these little people are skilled at making little machines,these machines do little chores.After the corruption of the Fae courts a group from the Wyld court attacked the little village, but were stopped.For the little people had a very large guardian!His name was Sir Spellheart, a great automation crafted from scraps of machines left throughout the Wilds and an ancient set of enchanted armor, his core a crystal of pure mana.

He had guarded the peaceful people of the little village for centuries from nosy wildlife, though his skills were never truly needed besides for construction until the day of the attack. He had never been taught how to fight but that day it seemed he had spent centuries learning, he easily disarmed the ruffians, themselves quite skilled, and sent them running!The little people realized that others were under threat from the vagabonds, and with a tearful farewell sent their savior to help them. Thus Sir Spellheart went on his journey, helping those in need and facing the monsters and Fae of the wild wherever they are!He stands at 6’ exactly. His form is a patchwork of armor parts with round ball joints and a pipe for a nose, his eyes behind the visor are two mismatched glass lenses and he has a smile painted on his face.Birds and rodents often nest in his chest and visor.The clockwork knight is forged from a unknown metal which is thrice as durable as steel and inscribed with ancient runes of unknown meaning, his mana crystal heart grants him the ability to regenerate damage slowly as well as the ability to talk to animals! His skills as a warrior are unchallenged, able to match the Queen of Skulls blow-for-blow thanks to his enhanced senses and speed!A strange eccentricity of his creation is that he has three voices that seem to all be on a different page, though all are heroic. One is an avatar of justice, one is completely insane but in the fun way, and one is Scottish.The avatar of justice acts like the most stereotypical boring knight imaginable. Noble, romantic, and gullible.


VERY gullible.The crazy one is crazy, it easily goes on a tirade about random subjects and easily gets off track, often doing stuff like prodding to save the poor pebbles from tumbling into a river or something.The Scottish one is hotheaded and straightforward, often forcing the other two to focus and usually going for a more violent than necessary solution. All the while swearing like a sailor in a thick slurred Irish accent.The actions Sir Spellheart takes are those the voices agree upon, compromise, or if 2 out of 3 vote on it. This usual acting as the finale of a fight as the voices argue about how to smite the enemy as the battle rages before finally agreeing on the best way to win.When the crazy voice’s idea is chosen NOBODY, especially the opposition expect it!​. Jacqueline was the eldest daughter of a family of four.

Unfortunately her mother Rosie died when she was 7 giving birth to her younger sister Bethany. Her father Daniel died when she was 15 due to an accident at the factory. When that happened she had to take care of her 8 year old sister.

At first no one gave her the time of day. Then she cut her hair, started to wear her father's clothes, and introduced herself as Jack. She landed a job as a gun runner for a local street gang.

Was it dangerous yes, but it allowed her to feed and take care of Beth so she had no moral issue with it.She was great at the “Job” she had and quickly rose to the position as one of the gang leaders most trusted men, Gentleman Jack as she was known by the local gangsters, much to the consternation of some of her fellow lieutenants. After a few years though her boss got offed on his way home a week before halloween, and Big Toni took over as the new head of the gang. Big Toni didn’t like Jack, and wanted to show that dislike in a very distinct manner.

Jack was walking home from the pumpkin patch with her little sister as it was halloween tomorrow, a Holliday Beth loved, when Jack heard the screech of tires and saw Big Toni bringing a gun to bear on her. After the first shot Jack quickly pulled Beth down and attempted to cover her. As fast as it began it was over. Jack got up, ignoring her wounds, and looked to her sister hoping she was alright, but she was riddled with bullets wounds. Miraculously her little sister was still alive.Jack scooped her sister up and ran to the nearest clinic.

Unfortunately it was an underground clinic which was run by a mob doctor who charged nearly 3x as much as a regular doctor, not that Jack had a choice as she didn’t know how long her sister had. Upon reaching the clinic the doctor noticed the both of them. He took Beth and started performing surgery on her. By the time it was morning the doctor had informed her that Beth was alive and began healing Jack. He took care of her and bandaged her up, but now there was the matter of payment for the services rendered as well as silence. She payed him all that she had on her but promised him he’d be paid in full soon.

He informed her that by the time her sister woke up she had better or he’d let leek that Gentleman Jack was alive and a woman.Jack needed money and she needed revenge. What better way than to do that than to kill two birds with one stone. She was going to kill Big Toni and take over the gang.

There was one problem though she needed a way to get close to the headquarters without anybody recognizing her before she could take revenge for what had happened. As she drew closer and closer she noticed the kids in outfits all dressed up. She remembered it was halloween today, perfect. She looked for something to disguise her with and she found something a pumpkin, one similar to the one her sister had carved before the shooting. One that looked like how she was feeling. She took that pumpkin and carved out a hole on the bottom and wore it. It was a perfect fit.With her blending in with the crowd of trick or treaters walking about the city Jack was able to make it to the headquarters.

She noticed some of Big Toni’s hanger ons guarding the door, but she made quick work of them with a knife. She made it to the hall where a meeting was taking place. Big Toni was apparently telling them a rival gang had offed her and they were gonna-.Bang. She didn’t want to her a word more.

She took care of the other hanger ons of Big Toni and informed the rest of the gang that Gentlemen Jack was here to stay. She took care of any other issues that day before heading to the clinic to finish one last problem.She handed the money to the doctor and asked if he kept his lips shut. The doctor said yes and with steady upkeep they would stay shut. She took out her gun and unloaded the full clip into him. She let him keep the money after all she was a gentleman, a “Man” of her word and now nobody could say otherwise.

Special Agent John'Panda-Man, we've got another job that needs to be done.' ​Special Agent John, a rather. He's the one that mainly looks at and supervises Panda-Man on what needs to be done. 24 the game ps3.

Often a strict person that a lot of people get scared of talking to, due to his demeanour and strong voice. But otherwise he's mostly silent. He's in his late 30's/early 40's with mostly brown hair but with some parts of it already greying out, and always wears shades.He also has a secret humorous side to himself, a lover of dad jokes (A possible hint to his civilian life?) and puns, which he annoys Panda-Man with from time to time on purpose.He was assigned to overseeing Panda-Man by his higher-ups and takes it very seriously. Slowly he begins to trust Panda-Man as they go on more and more missions with each other all over the country. Becoming both friends and comrades in arms and creating a buddy cop dynamic. Whether they are both fighting bad guys or him having to stop Panda-Man from getting distracted they trust each other no matter what.He has a loving wife and three children, 2 girls and a boy.In his arsenal are many weapons, including pistols, rifles and grenades.

And his shades are advanced technology, with them being able to see through walls, buildings and inside objects as well. Give Ambit some rest, y'all. The next update is a pre-publishing writeup so it's going to be a big one, especially with the negative pages throwing an extra spanner into the whole mess that is publishing at any rag, much less one with a staff of three people and that trades in hand-drawn images instead of typed words.I do want to know how long everyone thinks we need before solo rags. My mind wants like. The equivalent of at least ten 17-pager issues of buildup before even attempting a solo issue, maybe more. That would be at least five of our 33-page-per-hero rags before we even attempt a solo debut, probably with Megamind or Pendragon since the kids will be some of the more willing to buy the solo rag.

Give Ambit some rest, y'all. The next update is a pre-publishing writeup so it's going to be a big one, especially with the negative pages throwing an extra spanner into the whole mess that is publishing at any rag, much less one with a staff of three people and that trades in hand-drawn images instead of typed words.I do want to know how long everyone thinks we need before solo rags. My mind wants like. The equivalent of at least ten 17-pager issues of buildup before even attempting a solo issue, maybe more. That would be at least five of our 33-page-per-hero rags before we even attempt a solo debut, probably with Megamind or Pendragon since the kids will be some of the more willing to buy the solo rag.

So, even if we strat them with their own solo issues we should hold until later on until we gice them their very own Main Antagonist?Because if so, then that means that Pyro Drake is going to be a long time coming for Pendragon. More time for Pendragon to be awesome though.One thing that I want us to keep from the Golden Age though is the goofy and funny adventures mixed with seriousness that this period tackled. I mean, the incredibly goofy will appear in the Silver Age, but this is the period that we can have Superman fight a villain called Toyman seriously, and also be willing to threaten to drop small children. It's basically the wild west right now, there are no rules.Anyways, I wanted to propose that perhaps one of the new heroes that vwe develop and put forward be Ula the Tide-Breaker, mainly because we are months away from Timely putting Namor the Sub-Mariner, and I want us to introduce ours first.

Also, she is a woman hero, who has a personality that shows her to be strong while still being feminine. She could be great.