Homebrew Patent Unknown World Editor

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Homebrew - Patent Unknown. Browse and play mods created for Homebrew - Patent Unknown at Indie DB. Our building system allows you, the player to think out of the box and explore the world with custom built vehicles. The game is developed with three core values in mind. DREAM: There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the lack of freedom.

Biography Early life: 1914–34Marvel Whiteside Parsons was born on October 2, 1914, at the in Los Angeles. His parents, Ruth Virginia Whiteside ( c. 1893–1952) and Marvel H.

1894–1947), had moved to California from Massachusetts the previous year, purchasing a house on Scarf Street in downtown Los Angeles. Their son was his father's namesake, but was known in the household as Jack. The marriage broke down soon after Jack's birth, when Ruth discovered that his father had made numerous visits to a prostitute, and she filed for divorce in March 1915. Jack's father returned to Massachusetts after being publicly exposed as an adulterer, with Ruth forbidding him from having any contact with Jack.

His father later joined the armed forces, reaching the rank of major, and married a woman with whom he had a son, Charles, a half-brother Jack only met once. Although she retained her ex-husband's surname, Ruth started calling her son John, but many friends throughout his life knew him as Jack. Ruth's parents Walter and Carrie Whiteside moved to California to be with Jack and their daughter, using their wealth to buy an upscale house on Orange Grove Avenue in Pasadena—known locally as 'Millionaire's Mile'—where they could live together. Jack was surrounded by domestic servants. Having few friends, he lived a solitary childhood and spent much time reading; he took a particular interest in works of mythology, and the. Through the works of he became interested in and a keen reader of like, which led to his early interest in.At age 12 Parsons began attending Washington Junior High School, where he performed poorly—which biographer attributed to undiagnosed —and was bullied for his upper-class status and perceived effeminacy.

Although unpopular, he formed a strong friendship with Edward Forman, a boy from a poor working-class family who defended him from bullies and shared his interest in science fiction and rocketry, with the well-read Parsons enthralling Forman with his literary prowess. In 1928 the pair—adopting the Latin motto ( through hardship to the stars)—began engaging in homemade -based rocket experiments in the nearby canyon, as well as the Parsons family's back garden, which left it pockmarked with craters from explosive test failures. They incorporated commonly available fireworks such as into their rockets, and Parsons suggested using glue as a binding agent to increase the rocket fuel's stability. This research became more complex when they began using materials such as to make the gunpowder easier to cast.

Parsons had also begun to investigate, and performed a ritual intended to invoke the Devil into his bedroom; he worried that the invocation was successful and was frightened into ceasing these activities. In 1929 he began attending, where he maintained an insular friendship with Forman and was a keen participant in. After he received poor school results, Parsons's mother sent him away to study at the Brown Military Academy for Boys, a private boarding school in, but he was expelled for blowing up the toilets. The young Parsons spoke for hours with in phone correspondence about rocketry.The Parsons family spent mid-1929 touring Europe before returning to Pasadena, where they moved into a house on San Rafael Avenue. With the onset of the their fortune began to dwindle, and in July 1931 Jack's grandfather Walter died. Parsons began studying at the privately run University School, a liberal institution that took an unconventional approach to teaching. He flourished academically, becoming editor of the school newspaper, El Universitano, and winning an award for literary excellence; teachers who had trained at the nearby (Caltech) honed his attention on the study of chemistry.

With the family's financial difficulties deepening, Parsons began working on weekends and school holidays at the, where he learned more about explosives and their potential use in rocket propulsion. He and Forman continued to independently explore the subject in their spare time, building and testing different rockets, sometimes with materials that Parsons had stolen from work. Parsons soon constructed a solid-fuel, and with Forman corresponded with pioneer rocket engineers including,. Parsons and von Braun had hours of telephone conversations about rocketry in their respective countries as well as their own research.Parsons graduated from University School in 1933, and moved with his mother and grandmother to a more modest house on St.

John Avenue, where he continued to pursue his interests in literature and poetry. He enrolled in with the hope of earning an in physics and chemistry, but dropped out after one term because of his financial situation and took up permanent employment at the Hercules Powder Company. His employers then sent him to work at their manufacturing plant in on, where he earned a relatively high monthly wage of $100; he was plagued by headaches caused by exposure to. He saved money in hopes of continuing his academic studies and began a degree in chemistry at, but found the tuition unaffordable and returned to Pasadena. GALCIT Rocket Research Group and the Kynette trial: 1934–38. Parsons in 1938, holding the replica used in the murder trial of police officer Captain Earl KynetteIn April 1937 Caltech mathematician (a Chinese citizen) joined the Group. Several months later Weld Arnold, a Caltech laboratory assistant who worked as the Group's official photographer, also joined.

Pong too hard games. The main reason for Arnold's appointment to this position was his provision of a donation to the Group on behalf of an anonymous benefactor. They became well known on campus as the 'Suicide Squad' for the dangerous nature of some of their experiments and attracted attention from the local press. Parsons himself gained further media publicity when he appeared as an expert explosives witness in the trial of Captain, the head of police intelligence in Los Angeles who was accused of conspiring to set a in the attempted murder of private investigator Harry Raymond, a former LAPD detective who was fired after whistleblowing against police corruption. When Kynette was convicted largely on Parsons' testimony, which included his forensic reconstruction of the car bomb and its explosion, his identity as an expert scientist in the public eye was established despite his lack of a university education. While working at Caltech, Parsons was admitted to evening courses in chemistry at the (USC), but distracted by his GALCIT workload he attended sporadically and received unexceptional grades.By early 1938 the Group had made their static rocket motor, which originally burned for three seconds, run for over a minute. In May that year, Parsons was invited by to lecture on his rocketry work at Chapter Number 4 of the (LASFL). Although he never joined the society, he occasionally attended their talks, on one occasion conversing with a teenage.


Another scientist to become involved in the GALCIT project was, a Jewish refugee from Europe who was a vocal Marxist; he led Parsons, Malina, and Qian in their creation of a largely secretive discussion group at Caltech, which became known as Professional Unit 122 of the Pasadena Communist Party. Although Parsons subscribed to the and joined the (ACLU), he refused to join the, causing a break in his and Weinbaum's friendship. This, coupled with the need to focus on paid employment, led to the disintegration of much of the Rocket Research Group, leaving only its three founding members by late 1938.

Embracing Thelema; advancing JATO and foundation of Aerojet: 1939–42. The JPL site in February 1942Crowley and Germer wanted to see Smith removed as head of the Agape Lodge, believing that he had become a bad influence on its members. Parsons and Helen wrote to them to defend their mentor but Germer ordered him to stand down; Parsons was appointed as temporary head of the Lodge.

Some veteran Lodge members disliked Parsons' influence, concerned that it encouraged excessive sexual polyandry that was religiously detrimental, but his charismatic orations at Lodge meetings assured his popularity among the majority of followers. Parsons soon created the Thelemite journal Oriflamme, in which he published his own poetry, but Crowley was unimpressed—particularly due to Parsons' descriptions of drug use—and the project was soon shelved. Helen gave birth to Smith's son in April; the child was named Kwen Lanval Parsons. Smith and Helen left with Kwen for a two-room cabin in Rainbow Valley in May. Concurrently in England, Crowley undertook an analysis of Smith's birth chart and came to the conclusion that Smith was the incarnation of a god, greatly altering his estimation of him.

Smith remained skeptical as Crowley's analysis was seemingly deliberately devised in Parsons' favor, encouraging Smith to step down from his role in the Agape Lodge and instructing him to take a meditative retreat. Refusing to take orders from Germer any more, Smith resigned from the O.T.O. Parsons—who remained sympathetic and friendly to Smith during the conflict and was weary of Crowley's 'appalling egotism, bad taste, bad judgement, and pedanticism'—ceased lodge activities and resigned as its head, but withdrew his resignation after receiving a pacifying letter from Crowley. Parsons befriended.Now disassociated from JPL and Aerojet, Parsons and Forman founded the Ad Astra Engineering Company, under which Parsons founded the chemical manufacturing Vulcan Powder Company. Ad Astra was subject to an FBI investigation under suspicion of espionage when security agents from the discovered that Parsons and Forman had procured a chemical used in a top secret project for a material known only as, but they were later acquitted of any wrongdoing. Parsons continued to financially support Smith and Helen, although he asked for a divorce from her and ignored Crowley's commands by welcoming Smith back to the Parsonage when his retreat was finished.

Parsons continued to hold O.T.O. Activities at the Parsonage but began renting rooms at the house to non-Thelemites, including journalist, Manhattan Project physicist, and science fiction artist. Parsons attracted controversy in Pasadena for his preferred clientele.

Parsonage resident Alva Rogers recalled in a 1962 article for an occultist: 'In the ads placed in the local paper Jack specified that only bohemians, artists, musicians, atheists, anarchists, or any other exotic types need to apply for rooms—any mundane soul would be unceremoniously rejected'.Science fiction writer and U.S. Navy officer soon moved into the Parsonage; he and Parsons became close friends. Parsons wrote to Crowley that although Hubbard had 'no formal training in Magick he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field.

From some of his experiences I deduce he is direct touch with some higher intelligence, possibly his. He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles.' Parsons and Sara were in an encouraged by the O.T.O.'

S polyandrous sexual ethics, and she became enamored with Hubbard; Parsons, despite attempting to repress his passions, became intensely jealous. Motivated to find a new partner through occult means, Parsons began to devote his energies to conducting black magic, causing concern among fellow O.T.O. Members who believed that it was invoking troublesome spirits into the Parsonage; Jane Wolfe wrote to Crowley that 'our own Jack is enamored with, the, voodoo. From the start he always wanted to evoke something—no matter what, I am inclined to think, as long as he got a result.' He told the residents that he was imbuing statues in the house with a magical energy in order to sell them to fellow occultists. Parsons reported paranormal events in the house resulting from the rituals; including activity, sightings of and ghostly apparitionseffect on the weather, and disembodied voices. Pendle suggested that Parsons was particularly susceptible to these interpretations and attributed the voices to a prank by Hubbard and Sara.

One ritual allegedly brought screaming to the windows of the Parsonage, an incident that disturbed Forman for the rest of his life. In December 1945 Parsons began a series of rituals based on during which he onto magical tablets, accompanied by 's. Describing this magical operation as the, he hoped to bring about the incarnation of Thelemite goddess onto Earth. He allowed Hubbard to take part as his 'scribe', believing that he was particularly sensitive to detecting magical phenomena. As described by, 'Parsons jerked off in the name of spiritual advancement' while Hubbard 'scanned the astral plane for signs and visions.' Their final ritual took place in the Mojave Desert in late February 1946, during which Parsons abruptly decided that his undertaking was complete.

On returning to the Parsonage he discovered that —an unemployed illustrator and former Navy —had come to visit. Believing her to be the ' woman and manifestation of Babalon that he had invoked, in early March Parsons began performing rituals with Cameron, who acted as his ', while Hubbard continued to participate as the. Unlike the rest of the household, Cameron knew nothing at first of Parsons' magical intentions: 'I didn't know anything about the O.T.O., I didn't know that they had invoked me, I didn't know anything, but the whole house knew it. Everybody was watching to see what was going on.' Despite this ignorance and her skepticism about Parsons' magic, Cameron reported her sighting of a to Parsons, who secretly recorded the sighting as a materialization of Babalon.Inspired by Crowley's novel (1917), Parsons and Hubbard aimed to magically fertilize a 'magical child' through, which when born to a woman somewhere on Earth nine months following the working's completion would become the Thelemic messiah embodying Babalon.

To quote Metzger, the purpose of the Babalon Working was 'a daring attempt to shatter the boundaries of space and time' facilitating, according to Parsons, the emergence of Thelema's. When Cameron departed for a trip to New York, Parsons retreated to the desert, where he believed that a entity provided him with Liber 49, which represented a fourth part of Crowley's, the primary sacred text of Thelema, as well as part of a new sacred text he called the Book of Babalon.

Crowley was bewildered and concerned by the endeavor, complaining to Germer of being 'fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts!' Believing the Babalon Working was accomplished, Parsons sold the Parsonage to developers for $25,000 under the condition that he and Cameron could continue to live in the coach house, and he appointed Roy Leffingwell to head the Agape Lodge, which would now have to meet elsewhere for its rituals.Parsons co-founded a company called Allied Enterprises with Hubbard and Sara, into which Parsons invested his life savings of $20,970. Hubbard suggested that with this money they travel to to purchase three yachts, which they would then sail through the to the West Coast, where they could sell them on for a profit. Parsons agreed, but many of his friends thought it was a bad idea. Hubbard had secretly requested permission from the U.S.

Navy to sail to China and South and Central America on a mission to 'collect writing material'; his real plans were for a world cruise. Left 'flat broke' by this defrauding, Parsons was incensed when he discovered that Hubbard and Sara had left for Miami with $10,000 of the money; he suspected a scam but was placated by a telephone call from Hubbard and agreed to remain business partners. When Crowley, in a telegram to Germer, dismissed Parsons as a 'weak fool' and victim to Hubbard and Sara's obvious confidence trick, Parsons changed his mind, flew to Miami and placed a temporary injunction and restraining order on them. Upon tracking them down to a harbor in, Parsons discovered that the couple had purchased three yachts as planned; they tried to flee aboard one but hit a squall and were forced to return to port. Parsons was convinced that he had brought them to shore through a containing an astrological, invocation of —a vengeful spirit of.

Allied Enterprises was dissolved and in a court settlement Hubbard was required to promise to reimburse Parsons. Parsons was discouraged from taking further action by Sara, who threatened to report him for since their sexual relationship took place when she was under California's of 18. Parsons was ultimately compensated with only $2,900. Hubbard, already married to, married Sara and went on to found and.published an article about Hubbard's involvement with the O.T.O.

And Parsons' occult activities in December 1969. In response, the released an unsubstantiated press statement which said that Hubbard had been sent as an undercover agent by the U.S. Navy to intercept and destroy Parsons' 'black magic cult', and save Sara from its influence.

The Church also stated that Robert A. Heinlein was the clandestine Navy operative who 'sent in' Hubbard to undertake this operation. Returning to California, Parsons completed the sale of the Parsonage, which was then demolished, and resigned from the O.T.O.

He wrote in his letter to Crowley that he did not believe that 'as an autocratic organization, the O.T.O. constitutes a true and proper medium for the expression and attainment' of Thelema. Work for Israelis and espionage accusations: 1946–52.

Dark Angel, a painting by Marjorie Cameron portraying Parsons as the 'Angel of Death'Parsons reconciled with Cameron, and they resumed their relationship and moved into a former coach house on Orange Grove Avenue. Parsons converted its large, first-floor laundry room into a home laboratory to work on his chemical and pyrotechnic projects, homebrew and stockpile his materials. They let out the upstairs bedrooms and began holding parties that were attended largely by bohemians and members of the, along with old friends including Forman, Malina and Cornog. They also congregated at the home of Andrew Haley, who lived on the same street.

Though Parsons in his mid-thirties was a 'prewar relic' to the younger attendees, the raucous socials often lasted until dawn and frequently attracted police attention. Parsons also founded a new Thelemite group known as 'the Witchcraft', whose beliefs revolved around a simplified version of Crowley's Thelema and Parsons' own Babalon prophecies. He offered a course in its teachings for a ten dollar fee, which included a new Thelemic belief system called 'the Gnosis', a version of with as its godhead and the Christian God as its.

He also collaborated with Cameron on Songs for the Witch Woman, a collection of poems which she illustrated that was published in 2014. Death: 1952Parsons and Cameron decided to travel to Mexico for a few months, both for a vacation and for Parsons to take up a job opportunity establishing an explosives factory for the Mexican government.

They hoped that this would facilitate a move to Israel, where they could start a family, and where Parsons could bypass the U.S. Government to recommence his rocketry career. He was particularly disturbed by the presence of the FBI, convinced that they were spying on him.On June 17, 1952, a day before their planned departure, Parsons received a rush order of explosives for a film set and began to work on it in his home laboratory.

An explosion destroyed the lower part of the building, during which Parsons sustained mortal wounds. His right forearm was amputated, his legs and left arm were broken and a hole was torn in the right side of his face. Despite these critical injuries, Parsons was found conscious by the upstairs lodgers. He tried to communicate with the arriving ambulance workers, who rushed him to the, where he was declared dead approximately thirty-seven minutes after the explosion. When his mother, Ruth, learned of his death she immediately took a fatal overdose of.Pasadena Police Department criminologist Don Harding led the official investigation; he concluded that Parsons had been mixing in a coffee can when he dropped it on the floor, causing the initial explosion, which worsened when it came into contact with other chemicals in the room. Forman considered this likely, stating that Parsons often had sweaty hands and could easily have dropped the can. Some of Parsons' colleagues rejected this explanation, saying that he was very attentive about safety.

Two colleagues from the Bermite Powder Company described Parsons' work habits as 'scrupulously neat' and 'exceptionally cautious'. The latter statement—from chemical engineer George Santymers—insisted that the explosion must have come from beneath the floorboards, implying an organized plot to kill Parsons.

Harding accepted that these inconsistencies were 'incongruous' but described the manner in which Parsons had stored his chemicals as 'criminally negligent', and noted that Parsons had previously been investigated by the police for illegally storing chemicals at the Parsonage. He also found a morphine-filled syringe at the scene, suggesting that Parsons was narcotized. The police saw insufficient evidence to continue the investigation and closed the case as an accidental death. Parsons, handsome 37-year-old rocket scientist killed Tuesday in a chemical explosion, was one of the founders of a weird semi-religious cult that flourished here about 10 years ago. Old police reports yesterday pictured the former Caltech professor as a man who led a double existence—a down-to-earth explosives expert who dabbled in intellectual necromancy. Possibly he was trying to reconcile fundamental human urges with the inhuman, type of innovations that sprang from his test tubes.—Parsons' obituary in the June 19, 1952 edition of The Pasadena IndependentBoth Wolfe and Smith suggested that Parsons' death had been suicide, stating that he had suffered from depression for some time. Others theorized that the explosion was an assassination planned by in response to Parsons' suspected theft of Hughes Aircraft Company documents.

Cameron became convinced that Parsons had been murdered — either by police officers seeking vengeance for his role in the conviction of Earl Kynette or by opposed to his work for Israel. One of Cameron's friends, the artist, later stated her belief that Parsons had died in a rite designed to create a. His death has never been definitively explained.The immediate aftermath of the explosion attracted the interest of the U.S. Media, making headline news in the.

These initial reports focused on Parsons' prominence in rocketry but neglected to mention his occult interests. When asked for comment, Aerojet secretary-treasurer T.E. Beehan said that Parsons 'liked to wander, but he was one of the top men in the field'. Within a few days, journalists had discovered his involvement in Thelema and emphasized this in their reports.A private prayer service was held for Parsons at the funeral home where his body was cremated. Cameron scattered his ashes in the Mojave Desert, before burning most of his possessions.

She later tried to perform astral projection to commune with him. Also held a memorial service—with attendees including Helen and Sara—at which Smith led the Gnostic Mass. Personal life PersonalityParsons was considered effeminate as a child; in adult life he exhibited an attitude of.

His FBI file described him as 'potentially bisexual' and he once expressed experiencing a. The actor said he had had a gay relationship with Parsons in the 1950s, though this was disputed by others who knew him and Cameron. Parsons had the reputation of being a womanizer, and was notorious for frequently flirting and having sexual liaisons with female staff members at JPL and Aerojet. He was also known for personal eccentricity such as greeting house guests with a large pet snake around his neck, driving to work in a rundown, and using a mannequin dressed in a tuxedo with a bucket labelled 'The Resident' as his mailbox.As well as a fencing and archery enthusiast, Parsons was also a keen; he often hunted jack rabbits and cotton tails in the desert, and was amused by mock dueling with Forman while on test sites with rifles and shotguns. Upon proposing to his first wife Helen, he gifted her a pistol. Parsons enjoyed playing pranks on his colleagues, often through detonating explosives such as and, and was known to spend hours at a time in the bathtub playing with toy boats while living at the Parsonage.As well as intense bursts of creativity, Parsons suffered from what he described as 'manic hysteria and depressing melancholy'. His father Marvel, after suffering a near-fatal heart attack, died in 1947 as a psychiatric patient at in Washington D.C.

Diagnosed with severe, a condition Pendle suggested the younger Parsons inherited. Professional associationsParsons' obituary listed him as a member of the, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the, the, and—despite his lack of an academic degree—the fraternity.

It also stated that he had turned down several. Parsons treated magic and rocketry as different sides of the same coin: both had been disparaged, both derided as impossible, but because of this both presented themselves as challenges to be conquered. Rocketry postulated that we should no longer see ourselves as creatures chained to the earth but as beings capable of exploring the universe.Similarly, magic suggested there were unseen metaphysical worlds that existed and could be explored with the right knowledge. Both rocketry and magic were rebellions against the very limits of human existence; in striving for one challenge he could not help but strive for the other.—George PendleParsons adhered to the occult philosophy of, which had been founded in 1904 by the English occultist Aleister Crowley following a spiritual revelation that he had in, Egypt, when—according to Crowley's accounts—a spirit being known as dictated to him a prophetic text known as The Book of the Law.

Prior to becoming aware of Thelema and Crowley, Parsons' interest in esotericism was developed through his reading of (1890), a work in by Scottish. Parsons had also attended lectures on by philosopher with his first wife Helen, but disliked the belief system's sentiment of 'the good and the true'. During rocket tests, Parsons often recited Crowley's poem 'Hymn to Pan' as a. He took to addressing Crowley as his 'Most Beloved Father' and signed off to him as 'thy son, John'.In July 1945, Parsons gave a speech to the Agape Lodge, in which he attempted to explain how he felt that The Book of the Law could be made relevant to 'modern life'.

In this speech, which was subsequently published under the title of 'Doing Your Will', he examined the Thelemite concept of, writing that:The mainspring of an individual is his creative Will. This Will is the sum of his tendencies, his destiny, his inner truth.

It is one with the force that makes the birds sing and flowers bloom; as inevitable as gravity, as implicit as a bowel movement, it informs alike atoms and men and suns.To the man who knows this Will, there is no why or why not, no can or cannot; he is!There is no known force that can turn an apple into an alley cat; there is no known force that can turn a man from his Will. This is the triumph of genius; that, surviving the centuries, enlightens the world.This force burns in every man.Parsons identified four obstacles that prevented humans from achieving and performing their True Will, all of which he connected with fear: the fear of incompetence, the fear of the opinion of others, the fear of hurting others, and the fear of insecurity. He insisted that these must be overcome, writing that 'The Will must be freed of its fetters. The ruthless examination and destruction of taboos, complexes, frustrations, dislikes, fears and disgusts hostile to the Will is essential to progress.' Though Parsons was a lifelong devotee to Thelema, he grew weary of and eventually left the Ordo Templi Orientis—the religious organization that began propagating Thelema under Crowley's leadership from the 1910s—which Parsons viewed, despite the disagreement of Crowley himself, as excessively hierarchical and impeding upon the rigorous spiritual and philosophical practice of True Will, describing the O.T.O.

As 'an excellent training school for adepts, but hardly an appropriate Order for the manifestation of Thelema'. In this sense Parsons was described by Carter as an 'almost fundamentalist' Thelemite who placed The Book of the Law 's above all other doctrine. Parsons had witnessed the blinding overnight successes achieved by the government-by-terror of Russia. He had the foresight to see that the United States of America, once armed with the new powers of total destruction and surveillance that were sure to follow the swelling flood of new technologies, had the potential to become even more repressive unless its founding principles of individual liberty were religiously preserved and its leaders held accountable to them.Two of the keys to redressing the balance were the freedom of women and an end to the state control of individual sexual expression. He knew that these potent forces, embodied as they are in a majority of the world's population, had the power, once unleashed, to change the world.— (Hymenaeus Beta), current Frater Superior of Ordo Templi OrientisFrom early on in his career, Parsons took an interest in socialism and communism, views that he shared with his friend. Under the influence of another friend, Sidney Weinbaum, the two joined a communist group in the late 1930s, with Parsons reading literature, but he remained unconvinced and refused to join the American Communist Party. Malina asserted that this was because Parsons was a 'political romantic', whose attitude was more anti-authoritarian than anti-capitalist.

Parsons later became critical of the government of the led by, sarcastically commenting thatThe is merely temporary—the state will eventually wither away like a snark hunter, leaving us all free as birds. Meanwhile it may be necessary to kill, torture and imprison a few million people, but whose fault is it if they get in the way of progress?During the era of and the Second Red Scare in the early 1950s, Parsons was questioned regarding his former links to the communist movement, by which time he denied any connection to it, instead describing himself as 'an individualist' who was both anti-communist and anti-fascist. In reaction to the McCarthyite of scientists, he expressed disdain thatScience, that was going to save the world in ' time is regimented, straight-jacked, and scared shitless, its universal language diminished to one word, security.Parsons was politically influenced by Thelema—which holds to the ethical code of '—equating this principle to the libertarian views of some of the in his article 'Freedom is a Lonely Star', writing that by his own time these values had been 'sold out by America, and for that reason the heart of America is sick and the soul of America is dead.' He proceeded to criticize many aspects of contemporary U.S. Society, particularly the police force, remarking that 'The police mind is usually of a sadistic and homicidal trend' and noting that they carried out the 'ruthless punishment of symbolic scapegoats' such as African-Americans, prostitutes, alcoholics, homeless people and sociopolitical radicals, under the pretense of a country that upheld 'liberty and justice for all.'

To bring about a freer future Parsons believed in stating that, in his belief, the publication of the and development of the sciences had as significant an influence on Western society as the creation of the and the development of. He also believed that in the future the restrictions on sexual morality within society should be abolished in order to bring about greater freedom and individuality. Parsons concluded thatthe liberty of the individual is the foundation of civilization.

No true civilization is possible without this liberty and no state, national or international, is stable in its absence. The proper relation between individual liberty on the one hand and social responsibility on the other is the balance which will assure a stable society. The only other road to social equilibrium demands the total annihilation of individuality.

The Moon craterThe same month JPL held an open access event to mark the 32nd anniversary of its foundation—which featured a 'nativity scene' of mannequins reconstructing the November 1936 photograph of the GALCIT Group—and erected a monument commemorating their first rocket test on Halloween 1936. Among the aerospace industry, JPL was nicknamed as standing for 'Jack Parsons' Laboratory' or 'Jack Parsons Lives'.

The decided to name a crater on the of the Moon after him in 1972. JPL later credited him for making 'distinctive technical innovations that advanced early efforts' in rocket engineering, with aerospace journalist Craig Covault stating that the work of Parsons, Qian Xuesen and the GALCIT Group 'planted the seeds for JPL to become preeminent in space and rocketry.' Many of Parsons' writings were posthumously published as Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword in 1989, a compilation co-edited by Cameron and O.T.O. Leader Hymenaeus Beta (ceremonial name of musician ), which incited a resurgence of interest in Parsons within occult and countercultural circles. For example, comic book artist and occultist noted Parsons as a creative influence in a 1998 interview with. The Cameron-Parsons Foundation was founded as an incorporated company in 2006, with the intention of conserving and promoting Parsons' writings and Cameron's artwork, and in 2014 Fulger Esoterica published Songs for the Witch Woman—a limited edition book of poems by Parsons with illustrations by Cameron, released to coincide with his centenary.

An exhibition of the same name was held at the.In 1999 published the biography Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons by John Carter, who expressed the opinion that Parsons had accomplished more in under five years of research than Robert H. Goddard had in his lifetime, and said that his role in the development of rocket technology had been neglected by historians of science; Carter thought that Parsons' abilities and accomplishments as an occultist had been overestimated and exaggerated among Western esotericists, emphasizing his disowning by Crowley for practicing magic beyond his grade. Feral House republished the work as a new edition in 2004, accompanied with an introduction by Robert Anton Wilson. ^ Huntley, J.D. P. 3., p. 1;, p. 26., p. 1., pp. 1–2;, pp. 26–27., pp. 103–105i., p. 2., pp. 2–3;, p. 28. ^, pp. 33–40., pp. 42–43.

^, pp. 4–5;, pp. 44–47. ^ Keane, Phillip (August 2, 2013). Retrieved March 6, 2014. Eng, Christina (February 20, 2005).

Retrieved May 12, 2014., p. 4;, p. 46., pp. 47, 182., p. 5;, pp. 56–57., p. 6;, pp. 57–59., p. 6;, pp. 59–60., p. 6;, pp. 60–61., pp. 54–55. ^ (PDF). Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology. Retrieved January 18, 2015., p. 7;, p. 61., p. 6;, p. 61., pp. 62–64., p. 209: John Parsons in dark vest, Ed Forman bending over in white shirt; Frank Malina is probably the individual bending over in the light-colored vest.

^, p. 15. Conway, Erik M. California Institute of Technology. Retrieved March 22, 2014.

Terrall, Mary (December 14, 1978). California Institute of Technology. Archived from (PDF) on 8 July 2008. Retrieved May 17, 2014., p. 8–9;, pp. 74–76. Retrieved 2018-06-14. ^ Pendle, George (January 2, 2015).

Retrieved January 5, 2015., p. 10;, pp. 77–83. ^ Malina, Frank J.

(November 1968). California Institute of Technology. Pp. 8–13. Landis, Geoffrey (2005).

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Vroomist released by Syrena Interactive is an Open World, Single-player, and Multiplayer Simulation. It takes place within the destructible world and puts the player in the exciting environment of oddity and fun.At the start, the player can create a mobile machine, travel all around the world to collect numerous resources and try to demolish trade. The game enables the player to construct some complex physics, including wheels and hinges. There is a shield element that lets the player protect his vehicle against massive waves of enemy attack.It proposes different characters and permits the player to choose one of them to start his journey.

The player needs to explore the entire world, come across several objects, environments, and surrounding NPCs. Lots of physics-based equipment and weapons are available that assist the player in demolishing his opponents.

Throughout his journey, the player is capable of building and constructing sophisticated physics-based vehicles by making use of lots of hinges, wheels, pistons, and many other accessories and factors.The player needs to accumulate several defensive pieces, such as shielding to protect his vehicle from the attacks. Vroomist proposes vital features such as Survival Mode, Building, Sandbox, Character Modification, In-depth Progression, Crafting, and more. Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction published by Gamezlab and developed by Climax Development is an Action, Strategy, Single-player, and Multiplayer video game. It comes with exciting and thrilling gameplay and lets the player get into the battle against lots of opposing players by utilizing multiple weapons. There are numerous robots, and the player uses them to build different structures across the entire world.The game proposes various levels, and each of them offers different challenges to face. At the start, the player contains only two thousand credits and a robot, named My First Bot. After that, the player has to sell this robot and try to buy a new one with more power, abilities, and skills with a profit of thirteen hundred and fifty from an old robot.The game grants the player a large number of cash for each victory that he can use to advance through multiple challenging situations and become the master.The unique game control system is available that is highly customizable with the help of a massive range of features and permits the player to get different personal robot experiences.

Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction offers some fabulous features, such as Enhanced Mechanics, Tactics, Smooth Control, Enhanced Mechanics, Great Graphics, Brilliant Soundtrack, and more. Rover Builder developed and published by Hatfuls Games is a Building, Strategy, and Single-player Simulation. It takes place within the 3D world and proposes lots of physics-based vehicles, from sophisticated machinery to buggies.The player has to solve multiple increasingly challenging quests and missions and receive numerous rewards in different forms. The player must struggle to climb the corporate ladder to get various points and even unlock new planets to explore. There is an intuitive building mode available that lets the player construct lots of structures and other equipment to win.At the start, there are only a few essential parts, and the player needs to merge them all to get all types of mechanical systems, such as steering, suspension system, hydraulics, and much more. There are several quests and missions to complete, and each of them starts by teleporting to the target place. The player attempts to successfully reach there to either collect or bring back the supply of multiple boxes.He needs to traverse to different telepaths by jumping into various types of challenging terrain.

During the gameplay, the player discovers some human-made obstacles that he must overcome to win. Rover Builder offers some unique features, such as Crafting, Great Graphics, Soundtrack, Indie, Enhanced Mechanics, Smooth Control, and more. Cosmoteer: Starship Architect and Commander published and developed by Walternate Realities is a Strategy, Single-player, and Multiplayer Simulation. It deals with combat, ship development, and even exploration elements. At the start, the player must design a fleet of ships by utilizing particular modules, such as weapons, engines, hallways, etc.The game grants the player with lots of bounties and requires him to jump into the battle against multiple computer-controlled starships, and even other players.

Throughout his life, the player experiences numerous things and also tests his design skills against opposing players. The dynamic crew and combat simulation are available that make every decision related to design an exciting and even essential.The player needs to play from a top-down perspective, and traverse the massive space environment. He contains a set of different types and sizes of brushes and other tools that assist him in achieving several objectives and goals. There is an opportunity to unleash his creativity and even show off his creations to prove himself as the best designer.Lots of elements, such as cannons, lasers, shields, etc. Enable the player to design a fleet of ships by laying out individual corridors and rooms. Cosmoteer: Starship Architecture and Commander involve some prominent features, such as Galaxy, Building, Sandbox, Enhanced Mechanics, Soundtrack, Brilliant Graphics, and more.

Far: Lone Sails developed by Okomotive and published by Mixtivision is an Atmospheric, Adventure, and Single-player video game. It permits the player to command the expert driver of a massive variety of vehicles and jump into navigating the post-apocalyptic setting.Throughout his journey, the player remains engaged in finding out an old civilization and receives lots of rewards.

At the start, the player must jump into exploring the surrounding environment from a side-scroll perspective. The player has to move around inside the vehicle to drive it quickly and struggle to find some operating stations.The game allows the player to perform multiple functions to maintain the vehicle moving, including fill the boiler and engage the engine. During the gameplay, the player must solve lots of complex puzzles by getting into the world and search out several upgrades for his vehicle.There are numerous levels, and the player must complete all of them to win. It casts the player in a unique vehicle and permits him to travel across a dried-out ocean, an array of roadblocks, and even face hazardous weather conditions.Far: Lone Sails includes some fabulous features, such as Cool Graphics, Superb Mechanics, Exploration, Stunning Visuals, Fantastic Soundtrack, Smooth Control, and more. CATS: Crash Arena Turbo Stars brought by ZeptoLab is an Action, Single-player, and Multiplayer video game. It enables the player to join over fifty-five million players from all around the globe and become the star of the entire arena.During the gameplay, the player needs to unite into gangs, struggle to take part in multiple battles, and create the ultimate robust machine to take over lots of league fights. At the start, the player must assume the role of the engineer and get into different actions, such as design, craft, improve, and even upgrade the combat bot.By jumping into the fast-paced combats, the player has to battle against numerous opposing players and receive various points and money.

Throughout his journey, the player searches out plenty of gadgets, upgrades, body shapes, and other weapons, such as machines and shoot guns.He gets into the world championship and struggles to reach the top of the world as a bot builder. The primary objective is to get dozens of crazy accessories and other equipment to create a myriad of CAT bots. CATS: Crash Arena Turbo Stars involves some features, such as PvP Arenas, Crafting, Unique Battle Bot Designs, Great Graphics, Smooth Control, Enhanced Mechanics, and more.

Dream Car Builder is a Racing, Driving, Single-player, and Multiplayer video game published and developed by RoKo. It sets within the fully destructible environment and permits the player to move freely without any limitations.The proposed gameplay lets the player design his dream car and jump into the race against lots of opposing players. At the start, the player needs to create his vehicle from steering to wheel, struggle to craft its body shape, place a suitable engine, and decide the size of the tier. The player must take his car into the surrounding environment where he has to compete against lots of opposing real or computer-controlled players.The car editor feature allows the player to design and even create his car during the race and gain various kinds of rewards. The player needs to traverse the open-world environment from either a first-person or a third-person perspective.

The game requires the player to design the perfect frame and even steering system and earn multiple points.It obliges the player to become a part of the race and drive his car on the procedurally generated tracks. Dream Car Builder offers significant features, such as Sandbox, User-generated Content, Tracks and Maps, Realistic Body Physics, Crafting, Smooth Control, and more. Super Tank Rumble is a 2D and Multiplayer video game provided by Smilegate Megaport. It permits the player to unleash his creativity and struggle to assemble a robust and active super tank by collecting multiple upgrades, objects, and items.Throughout his journey, the player can battle against other players by getting into the interactive world. The player has to utilize his crafted tank and receive several rewards by executing lots of real-life actions.

There are various kinds of parts that the player can use to build a tank. The game obliges the player to create a brilliant fighter tank that reflects his personality, skills, and abilities.He must become a part of PvP battles by utilizing his latest tank and put all his efforts into competing against other players. It grants the player numerous rewards upon defeating opposing players in multiple competitions.There are lots of quests and missions, and the player must complete all of them for extra points. Lots of customization options are available that assist the player in customizing his tank as he likes. Super Tank Rumble includes some significant features, such as Unlockable Upgrades, Physics-based, Collect Items, Crafting Share, PvP Arenas, Excellent Graphics, and more. Blockscape is a Single-player, First-person Perspective, and Building Simulation published by Ionesco.

The game takes place in the beautiful world and permits the player to jump into the role of the protagonist loaded with several tools to craft items.At the start, the player receives different imaginary things such as building, spacecraft, airplanes, mountains, etc. There are lots of blocks, and each of them contains their unique skills and abilities. The proposed story reveals that the player jumps into the strange world and starts as a civilian to perform multiple activities.The primary aim is to navigate the entire environment from the first-person perspective, attempt to gather various kinds of materials, and even craft useful items to show off his creativity. The player gets into the role of an Empire Building and Survival who must utilize different tools to craft equipment, accessories, weapons, and other materials to proceed further.It introduces a hundred kinds of materials and blocks and lets the player make use of them to execute various actions. He must explore the world, come across numerous NPCs, and remain engaged in building gameplay experience. Blockscape offers some significant features, such as Superb Mechanics, Addictive Gameplay, Brilliant Graphics, Sandbox, Soundtrack, Block-scape, and more. TerraTech is an Open World, Building, and Single-player video game brought to you by Payload Studios.

It takes place in the procedurally generated infinite environment where the player needs to build each and everything that he wants to have in real-life.There are lots of elements such as Crafting, Combat, Exploration, and Construction that enables the player to perform his tasks efficiently. Throughout his journey, the player must utilize tons of parts and even objects to create his equipment, such as vehicles, tanks, buildings, and more. The player needs to explore the world from a third-person perspective and remain engaged in gathering some desired items and objects to proceed further.The game enables the player to participate in multiple battles against computer-controlled robots and attempt to defeat them by making use of a massive variety of weapons. There are numerous levels, and the player must face lots of challenging situations to complete and even unlock further levels. Each of these levels obliges the player to jump into the challenging gameplay with advanced items and struggle to craft various stuff.He must unleash his creativity and create something unique to prove himself by showing off his abilities.

TerraTech involves some prominent features such as Campaign World, Sandbox, Physics-based, Gauntlet Challenge, Great Graphics, Soundtrack, and more. Autocraft published by Alientrap is a Single-player and Sandbox Simulation. It takes place in a destructible world full of several objects.

At the start, the player needs to jump into the role of an engineer and perform multiple activities to gain various rewards.Throughout his journey, the player must manipulate the world, attempt to gather different parts, and even connect them to build a car, tank, and other required things. The player is capable of creating different types of items, such as boats, rockets, planes, and much more. The game permits the player to explore the world and remains engaged in gathering some rare minerals across the galaxy.He needs to accomplish his quests and missions to earn numerous points and make use of them for different purchases and even to unlock new sandbox parts. It enables the player to build and even crash everything that he can see. There are thirty-seven challenging levels, and the player needs to complete all of them to become the master.Lots of vehicles contain different rocket launcher, boosters, rocket thrusters, cannons, wheels, and other exciting parts that enables the player to proceed further. Autocraft offers fabulous features, such as Building, Physics-based, Crafting, Enhanced Mechanics, Smooth Control, Brilliant Soundtrack, Fantasy, and more.

SimplePlanes, published and developed by Jundroo, LLC, is a Building, Open World, and Single-player Flight Simulation. It takes place within the procedurally generated environment and casts the player into the role of one of many characters to start his match.The primary aim is to make use of lots of objects and materials to create a fantastic plane. There is a massive variety of planes built by the entire community. When the aircraft gets finished, the player is capable of piloting it by jumping into an open world physics-based environment.The player has to create numerous items, such as cars, tanks, and even other mechanical objects, to show off his creativity and other skills and score the best points. Throughout his life, the player needs to execute various kinds of real-life actions and defeat his opponents by performing well. The game offers multiple challenges which the player can face firmly.At the start, the player must climb into the cockpit of one of his custom aircraft and achieve his goals by facing several severe challenges. He needs to land on aircraft carriers, attempt to escort bombers, and dodge several surface-to-air missiles to win.

SimplePlanes involves some significant features, such as Great Graphics, Indie, Physics-based, Smooth Control, Sandbox, Brilliant Soundtrack, and more. Trailmakers is a Survival, Single-player and Multiplayer video game published and developed by Flashbulb. The game enables the player to build different types of vehicles, such as a car, a plane, a boat, etc.The player needs to take his machines on multiple dangerous exploration quests and missions, attempt to breakneck rally races, and even build all those hovercraft the player dreamt. However, the game enables the player to produce several items and objects by utilizing numerous modular blocks.

He has to traverse a vast open-world and put all his efforts into escaping the planet.The game permits the player to get into two sandbox maps that offer different elements, such as half pipes, an aircraft carrier, catapults, and more. The player must join a growing and active community that offers tons of premade vehicles ready to test his stamina. The game allows the player to join the Trailmakers Rally, struggle to take on several challenges, race other players, and even shoot them to bits.Throughout the game, the player must execute several real-life actions, get into the vehicular combat, and try to receive lots of rewards. Trailmakers some significant features such as Sandbox Environment, Driving, Action, Adventure, New Challenges, Smooth Controls, and more.

Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction published by Gamezlab is an Action-Adventure, Single-player, and Multiplayer video game. It enables the player to get into the role of a radio-controlled robot and battle against opposing robots to win.The game introduces different modes, including Gauntlet and Competition mode. Competitor mode lets the player either build or purchase a robot and get into the various tournaments to compete against opposing players. Throughout the game, The player needs to win these tournaments and earn a significant amount of money to unlock new robots, arenas, and other components.Such a game proposes eight stages and obliges the player to clear all of them. After completing the given levels, the player has to become a part of endurance combat against many real-life competitor robots. It offers seventeen playable real-life competitor robots and forty original robots as well.

The player has to get into several events and tries to unlock new robots. The game obliges the player to select different desired levels, such as silver, gold, bronze, etc.At the start, the player has to team up with other players and attempts to win four one-on-one combats against enemies. Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction includes different features, such as Third-person perspective, Brilliant Graphics, Atmospheric, Soundtrack, and more. Is an Action-Adventure, Physics-based, Sandbox, Co-op, Single and Multiplayer Simulation developed and published by Keen Software House.

In this game, the player can take on the role of an Engineer who can use medieval technologies to build different cities, castles and mechanical devices which the player require in during the gameplay. The gameplay of the game is impaired by the r modern medieval technology and allows the player to create architectural works and makes lots of mechanical instruments.

The game also allows the player to explore the entire planet, interact with the different objects and collect all the things which they player use to make meaningful things. The game also allows the player to create different kinds of weapons which the player can use in during the combat. The game includes core features such as different build buildings, amazing intractable world, unlimited exploration, the huge range of tools, objects and instruments and different modes, etc. With content rich story plot, fantastic game mechanics, dynamic background music and brilliant visual details. Medieval Engineers is one of the best Action-Adventure, Physics-based, Sandbox, Co-op, Single and Multiplayer Simulation to play and enjoy. Created by Gabriel Interactive and published by Octopus Tree. It is a Single and Multiplayer Sports Simulation.

It is an enjoyable game for all the robotic designers that allows the players to face off to see whose creation will rule in the ring. At the start of the game, it allows the player to complete his tutorial levels to learn about the major task of the game. After completing his tanning levels, it allows the player to get into game world use variety of items to create powerful, strong robot vehicle. The player has limited part at the beginning, but after the progress, he is able to unlock new parts and weapons by using his experience points. Test his robots in the Bot Lab and place it into the ring to prove himself as best in the world. Confront his metallic opponents in the deadly arenas filled with environmental traps and hazards that make the game more interesting. Robot Arena III includes core features such as multiple tools, multiple challenges, and play against his friends, share his robots and several modes etc.

The game offers impressive game mechanics, smooth controls, and beautiful visual details. Is an Action, Single and Multiplayer video game created by Galbriel Entertainment and published by Infogrames. It allows the player to control auto controlled robotic vehicle type character which combats it out with other robots in order to win the game. At the start of the game, the player can design his own robot by using a verity of things such as weapons, mechanic, looks, and color, etc. There are multiple arenas available to play in this game such as standard map, king of the hill and much more. The primary mode of the game is league mode in which the player can battle against the up to fifteen other teams in nine different events.

If the player can win the game? The player must gain maximum points at the end of the season. Robot Arena 2 is an excellent game that provides action-packed gameplay to immerse himself deep into the brilliant game world. The game offers quite addictive gameplay, great mechanics, and beautiful visual details.

Space Engineers is an Action-Adventure, Sandbox, Voxel-based, Space, Single and Multiplayer video game created and published by Keen Software House. It is a sandbox game about contraction, engineering, survival, and exploration of the unknown planets.In the beginning, the player can create his space setting, craft several things, and interact with the game world. The game looks easy to play but hard to master.After the progress, the player will confront deadly enemy creatures that will try to kill him.

Space Engineers include core features such as different challenging Modes, Various Weapons, Crafting options, enemy NPCs, and unique Space Station.With immersive and quite addictive gameplay, well-written storyline, fantastic game mechanics, and brilliant graphics details, Space Engineers is one of the best games as compared to the lots of other same genres. Is a Physics-based, Single-player Strategy video game created and published by Spiderling Studios. In this game, the ultimate task of the player creates outlandish medieval siege engine to pit against the castle and armies. In the beginning, the player can select from the collection of mechanical parts which can be connected together to create a machine. It has multiple levels, and in each level, the player aims to destroy the windmill or kill more than 100 soldiers. Although the goal is relatively quite simple, the massive verity of possible approaches allows for experimentation. The game also allows the player to create lots of modern vehicles such as battleships, propeller planes, tanks and bomber plans, etc.

Besiege also offer key features such as different modes, share his creativity with the others, unlock new items and purchase upgrades, etc. With fantastic game mechanics, simple controls, and beautiful visual details. Besiege is one of the best Physics-based puzzle game to play and enjoy for all the ages. Scrap Mechanic is an Action-Adventure, Third-person, City-Building, Sandbox, Co-op, Single and Multiplayer video game developed and published by Axolot Games. The game drops the player right into the world where he can take on the role of an engineer to embark on an adventure.At the start of the game, the player can choose from more than hundreds of building parts and tools to complete his set objectives.

It also allows the player to freely move in the game world and gather more resources that will help him during the gameplay.The player can team up with other online players and create several things together. The main aim of the player is to take care of his worker robots as they work the land, provide all the elements, including food. Scrap Mechanic includes core features such as different Modes, different tools, crafting options, explorations, upgrades and unlockable achievements, etc.With stunning visual details, storyline dynamic background music, and brilliant graphics details, Scrap Mechanic is an excellent game to play and enjoy. Brick Rigs is a Physic-based, Crafting, Single and Online Multiplayer Simulation developed and published by Lukas Rustemeyer. It is an excellent game and specially made for those love physic games.

In this game, the player builds different kinds of vehicles from a variety of bricks and experience his dynamic driving and destruction physics in the sandbox environment. The game offers a massive range of unique tools, items and all the other useful things which the player use to create vehicles.

Before starting the game, the player must complete all the practice level that will teach the player about all the major part of the game. Brick Rigs also offers a multiplayer mode that allows the player to experience these physics together with his friends. The player can race and battle with other players, organize demolition and more. It is a really addictive game that offers lots of new and creative ideas to create vehicles. Brick Rigs offers an excellent game setting with stunning visuals and smooth controls. Try it out, if you really love physic games.

Homebrew: Patent Unknown is an Action-Adventure, Sports, and Multiplayer video game developed by Copybugpaste. The game introduces a steep learning curve that tests the players’ problem solving, building, and other skills. It simulates a vehicle sandbox and represents the acts of creativity that are the key to success.The player assumes the role of a creator and contains the power to create whatever he wants to have. There are multiple input devices that the player can set up controls and execute lots of tasks to win. The game proposes numerous kinds of systems and equipment, such as a plating system, an electric vehicle tuner, excellent capabilities, and much more.The player is capable of playing and even fighting against several buddies. The primary aim is to find out the workshop and struggle to get one of many other vehicles created by opposing players. The large variety of weaponry is available at the players’ disposal that he can make use to take blast his way.There are several stages, and each of them obliges the player to defeat opponents to clear.

Homebrew: Patent Unknown offers fantastic features such as Sandbox, Building, Awesome Community, Racing, Enhanced Mechanics, Excellent Soundtrack, and more.