Resident Evil 2 Revelations

Resident Evil 2 Revelations Rating: 7,8/10 4574 votes

. Summary: Resident Evil Revelations 2 follows two interwoven stories of terror across 4 episodes of intense survival horror. Episode One: Penal Colony Kidnapped by a unknown group of assailants, Claire and Moira awake to find themselves trapped on an isolated island infested with horrifying creatures Resident Evil Revelations 2 follows two interwoven stories of terror across 4 episodes of intense survival horror. Episode One: Penal Colony Kidnapped by a unknown group of assailants, Claire and Moira awake to find themselves trapped on an isolated island infested with horrifying creatures beyond imagination. Now they must desperately struggle to escape the horror.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is a relic horror adventure built for two when a helpful description that emphasizes teamwork by giving both players approving playstyles. If you've not played 2012's Resident Evil: Revelations, panic not. This sequel is its own, self-contained symbol - troubled.

Voiced by: Marcella Lentz-Pope (credited as Marcella Mazde)The 20-year-old daughter of Barry Burton, Moira's first day at Terra Save is interrupted by a commando raid.:. She lacks the combat training and experience Claire has. She still does what she can to help. This extends to Raid Mode, where she can only carry one gun until she reaches level 5, versus Claire and Gina's two and Barry's three. Becomes a certified in the end for surviving on the island for six months in the Good Ending.: She first appeared in the first Resident Evil that could only be found if Barry died, and again in Barry's Epilogue file in Resident Evil 3.: By the Good Ending, both Barry and Moira finally reconciled and things are much better between the two.: A cute punk chick who can kick ass with a crowbar.

This is especially evident in 'The Struggle', where she overcomes her hatred of guns and uses a pistol, a shotgun, and even a machine gun.: Her clothes get dirty and her stockings get ripped, but when she shows up in the Good Ending after living in the wilderness for six months, her hair and makeup are still immaculate.: She has a strained relationship with her father. Just mentioning his name will at the very least put her in a very bad mood, on the other hand.: In her Urban Ninja DLC costume.: Has and a slim boyish figure.: She gets her moment by saving Natalia from Alex.: She instantly befriends Natalia, and is nothing but gentle, friendly, and protective with her.: It looks cute on her, though.: Does this with 'fucking Barry' all the time. In the good ending, since they've put their differences aside, Moira calls Barry by name yet again but immediately corrects herself, calling him 'Dad'.: In the Good Ending and the Struggle Extra Episode, her leggings are torn and her jacket's beat up.: Becomes this to Natalia in the Good Ending.: Can use a crowbar to pry planks off doors, swing at monsters, and stab them when they're knocked down.: She definitely has her moments. 'Well, fuck that place very much.' .: In sharp contrast to her father Barry. When little, Moira and Polly were playing in Barry's house, he forgot to lock the guns up, and she accidentally shot Polly. She gets better after having to kill mutated Neil to save Claire.: Her and Evgeny in The Struggle.: Getting attacked by terrorists and kidnapped is some way to start a new job.: Right at the beginning of Claire's campaign, she tells Moira to find a gun.

Moira vehemently refuses, but will at least use a crowbar and the flashlight. She doesn't like them because she accidentally shot her sister Polly with one of Barry's guns while they were playing with it years earlier.: During their escape from Wesker's tower, Moira is caught under some rubble as the self-destruct sequence is nearly complete, and urges Claire to leave without her, as there's no way Claire would be able to save her in time.

Fortunately, if you switched to Moira during the quick-time event at the end of the Neil boss fight, she survives.:. Considering how abrasive she is with adults, it's quite a surprise to see her turn out to be surprisingly gentle with children. She is also much more astute then you'd think, accurately pointing out that Neil's bracelet was always green despite the situation.: Despite being pretty abrasive, she's very kind to Natalia and strikes up a fast friendship with Claire. She also genuinely regrets her relationship with Barry going sour, and they work to mend it at the end of the game.: Like Natalia, she seems to be part of the 2% of humans who are unresponsive to activated T-Phobos.: Moira is definitely the most foul-mouthed character in the Resident Evil series prior to taking a cup of this trope.

She has a use of language. To put it lightly. Moira: 'I mean, what in a moist barrel of fucks is going on?!' 'What in the cock did I just see?'

'Fucking shit on a stick!' .: with her default outfit, which is modest up top but includes short shorts and stockings to emphasise her long legs. Played straight with her Urban Ninja costume, which shows a lot of skin.: While she can't stand him at first, Moira clearly comes to see Evgeny as a father figure during their six months together, seeing a lot of her own father Barry in him. When he locks himself away to die and sends her off on her own to escape, Moira's devastated.: At one point, Moira notices that Neil's bracelet has stayed green the whole time, meaning that unlike everyone else, he hasn't entered the 'anxious' stage, and also because he sent them to the factory, which was one of the Overseer's traps. She speculates that Neil may be a traitor, but Claire refuses to consider the possibility. Shortly afterwards, they see a surveillance video of Neil demanding a sample of Uroboros from the Overseer and discover a file listing the names of all the Terra Save members that were captured, proving that Neil did indeed sell Terra Save out to the Overseer.: An inverted example if you consider English to be the primary language for the game (as until Revelations 2 and the rerelease of the RE1 remake, English has been the only dub for the series.) She doesn't swear nearly as much in the Japanese dub.

Her is 'Mou Saiyaku!' Or in English, 'This is the worst!' She is nowhere as badmouthed as in English.: Her Urban Ninja DLC costume consists of a short unzipped jacket over a bikini top, along with.: Moira's job is to light up the surroundings and keep Claire alive, as she has no combat experience.: She's the tomboy to Claire's fashionable, romantically involved and emotional girly girl.: After overcoming her fear of firearms (if she shoots Neil) and fending for herself on the island for six months has her become an experienced and capable survivor.

Her moment (from above) saving Natalia from Alex clenches it.: She can shine her flashlight in enemies' faces to stun them and give Claire an opportunity to attack. Voiced by:Claire and Moira's senior of Terra Save. He is a former subordinate of Morgan Lansdale and a member of the defunct FBC. He is working with Alex Wesker in exchange for a sample of the Uroboros virus so he can make enough terror attacks that the FBC will be resurrected. To this end, he's willing to sacrifice all of his employees.: Like most Uroboros mutations, infected Neil's got a glowing orange weak spot that is revealed when he takes enough damage from heat.: Terra Save is a global NGO which has done immense good worldwide.

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Horribly, horribly subverted.: He comes across as calm and easy-going to his employees, and encourages Claire to help Moira fit into the group. Even though he's planning to use them all for his own ends, he still expresses guilt for doing so, but believes it's for the greater good. In his last sane words, before mutating, he warns Claire to get away from him.: Just after Pedro mutates, Neil shows up to save Claire and Moira.: His actions are monstrous and in the service of fostering more B.O.W terror attacks.: He becomes this to both Claire and Moira once they both learn that he was the one who set up the Terra Save workers to be captured by the Overseer. Claire becomes particularly upset because she had a slight on Neil before the incident.: begins to channel during his boss fight. His reaction after taking enough fire damage or light exposure is to yell at the top of his lungs, with all his might, 'I'M BURNING UUUUUUUUUUUUP'.: As the Uroboros mutates him, he goes completely insane and claims that Uroboros is not death, but power.:. His bracelet is always colored green, which indicates he has not once entered the 'anxious' stage of his mood ever since his capture, unlike many other characters the heroes come across.

Turns out he's a traitor and has been working for the Overseer the entire time. If one looks closely at Neil's bracelet when he's horrifically mutating they can see that it's still green, implying that it wasn't even a real bracelet to begin with.: Years ago, he was one of many insiders secretly working for Morgan Lansdale, the head of the Federal Bioterrorism Commission. Neil later becomes this to the Overseer, watching over his Terra Save comrades as test subjects for the T-Phobos virus.: Even after hulking out, his pants remain intact enough to cover his crotch.: After being injected with Uroboros.

He initially pleads with Claire that he did what he thought was right, but becomes more and more deranged and as he mutates and becomes a monstrosity.: He wanted a sample of the Uroboros virus from Alex Wesker in exchange for selling out his coworkers in Terra Save. Alex 'gives' it to him by shooting him with a sample of it, turning him into a monster and ruining his plans to revive the F.B.C. With said virus.: Turns into a Tyrant-like monstrosity after the Overseer shoots him with a dart loaded with Uroboros.: Plans to become the next Morgan Lansdale.

Just ends up being a pawn of the Overseer, and quickly outlives his usefulness.: He truly believed in bringing order to the world through the fear of bioterrorism, which is why he was extremely loyal to Morgan Lansdale.: He is this to Morgan Lansdale, who was arrested at the end of Resident Evil: Revelations. Neil has made the resurrection of the Federal Bioterrorism Commission his life's mission, resulting in him making a - in return for betraying his comrades in Terra Save, he would receive a sample of the Uroboros virus. Baseball games in a season. A bespectacled woman who is an employee of Terra Save, who has also been taken to the island after the commando raid.: Averted. As soon as Claire and Moira meets up with Gina who was being hunted down by an Afflicted, she is covered from head to toe in blood and deep wounds. She soon dies from her injuries.: Of Rachael Foley in the first Revelations game. She has a similar appearance and hairstyle, minus the and slightly less exaggerated sex appeal. Her death also echoes her counterpart's demise, dying just as the heroes first witness them being attacked by monsters.: Raid Mode gives players a good view of her not covered in blood, and she is gorgeous.: She shares the same surname as Rachael of the first Revelations game, meaning its very likely their related given the fact every other character in the series with the same surnames are.

She also shares the same fate as her counterpart, dying on-screen just as soon as the heroes meet up with them.: Savvy players would expect to see Gina again in future episodes, but as a monster, just as her counterpart did in the first Revelations game. Turns out Gina is and never makes another appearance.: Is described as beautiful and intelligent on her profile picture.: Dies merely ten minutes in her first appearance of the game.

She's only even given a name on screen after her death. Introduced in Episode 2 as Claire and Moira meets up with the remaining survivors of Terra Save. Is described as a trained mechanical engineer.: Turns into one due to how easily scared and panicked he got while being attacked by the Afflicted.: If he survives to Barry and Natalia's chapter, he's covered in eyeballs which serve as his weakpoint.: Upon mutating, his gigantic form appears to have eye-like boils across his body.: Compared to his companions he's most easily frightened by the events surrounding him, though he still tries his best to help the group.

Too bad the virus injected into him during his capture ends up being amplified due to his increasing anxiety, resulting in his mutation.: One early version of Pedro seen in his unlockable concept art clearly resembles another.: Is seen using a portable mechanical drill, which is mainly used to pry open doors. Upon mutation due to the virus, he has enough strength to use it as a weapon against Claire and Moira.: Due to failing to control his fear, the virus grows strong enough to mutate him, causing him to unwillingly attack Claire and Moira. If the player decides to flee without mercy killing Pedro, then later Barry and Natalia will meet up with him later in an abandoned hotel, with the poor guy having wandered around the island for a good six-months still trapped in his mutated form. Fortunately he's then put down for good. Voiced by:Introduced in Episode 2 as Claire and Moira meets up with the remaining survivors of Terra Save. Is described as a qualified vehicle mechanic.: Is notably of larger build than his co-worker, and is very adept in vehicle engineering as seen by him rapidly repairing a rundown helicopter during a hoard invasion.: After getting his helicopter working, Gabriel dies when the Overseer screws with its controls remotely, causing it to plow into a building while the T-Phobos virus starts to activate in Gabe.

Barry and Natalia eventually come across his charred corpse.Zabytij. Voiced by: Gabriella Pastore (Credited as Gabrielle Pastore)A mysterious child with unknown abilities, Natalia is Barry's partner in his missions, meeting him as soon as he sets foot in Zabytij. She is revealed to be a Terragrigia survivor, rescued by Neil during the Terragrigia Panic and eventually taken away by the Overseer to be a test subject.: She is a child after all. Made more dramatic by the fact that she not only spent a lot of time on the island by herself prior to running into Claire and Barry, but she also survived the incident in Terragrigia as seen in the first Revelations game.

However, she's a resourceful one; able to sense the monsters, crawl in tight spaces, handy with bricks, etc.: Has the ability/sense to see the auras of monsters within the area. On certain ones she can also sense where their weak spot is, allowing Barry to kill them more easily.: The child to Barry's badass.: Her inability to feel fear has made her the perfect candidate for Alex's plan.:. Survived the Terragrigia incident from the first Revelations game. She is continually taunted and tormented near the end of Barry's campaign, including seeing her teddy bear mangled and impaled on a rock prior to the final boss fight.

She turns into Alex Wesker. This is outright shown in the Bad Ending and heavily implied in the Good Ending.: She has shades of this. It goes in the bad ending when she.becomes. Alex Wesker and kills the mutated version of Alex by ripping out her heart. Even in the good ending, it's implied that there's at least a little bit of Alex Wesker's consciousness in Natalia as she is seen reading from Kafka and smiles maliciously.: Her other self has a darker version of her current clothing.: Happens to her in the Bad End and is heavily implied in the Good End, even.: Inverted in Barry and her's chapters: Barry is the shooter (being an adult), but Natalia can hit enemies with bricks. There is an Achievement for defeating twenty enemies as Natalia.: In the good ending.: Like Moira, she seems to be part of the 2% of humans who are unresponsive to activated T-Phobos.: Her parents were killed in the Terragrigia incident.: When she is under Alex's influence her eyes become red.

They also are the colors of her other self's eyes as shown in the extra episode.: A very crucial ability to have considering some of the monsters such as the Glasp are invisible to the naked eye.: Might have this as shown in one of the extra episodes. A second Natalia or 'Natalex' can be seen with a black version of her outfit with red eyes like the white Natalia does when she is under Alex's influence.: Apparently, the virus she was infected with has given her this, giving her the and attributes explained above.: She can't fight at all, beyond throwing bricks that do fairly low damage. However, she has the ability to find items in an area for Barry, is often necessary to unlock doors thanks to her ability to crawl through holes that are too small for him, can spot where the cores are in Revenants and Splashers, and see where Glasps are hiding.: Despite the sheer amount of monsters and tragic incidents she's lived through, she's surprisingly calm about all of it. This is exactly the reason why Alex Wesker is interested in her. Voiced by: (credited as Lucy Todd)A mysterious woman who runs the island that Claire and Moira are trapped on. She also runs the Red Queen Alpha combat simulator in Raid Mode. Her real identity is ◊ ◊; formerly a trusted ally to Oswell E.

Spencer and, after Albert Wesker's death in, the sole survivor of the Wesker children project. Her existence is revealed by files in 's 'Lost in Nightmares' DLC, where it's revealed she was conducting experiments for Spencer in the South Seas.She appears in Resistance, the non-canon multiplayer mode of the Resident Evil 3 remake, as a playable Mastermind.: Originally mentioned in files from DLC Lost in Nightmares.: Her main goal was to achieve immortality by imprinting her mind into a new body. Regardless of the ending, even though it's not quite as she predicted, she does succeed.: She's this for Revelations 2.: Promotional materials for the Resistance multiplayer mode in the remake of 3 indicate that she is the one in charge of the testing, and the playable villain 'masterminds' answer to her.: Set up as this in, having disappeared off the face of the Earth with all of the research she'd been doing for Spencer.

Now we know what she was up to.: She imprinted her mind into Natalia, and planned to commit suicide in her original body, allowing her consciousness to awake in Natalia and live on as a form of. Unfortunately for her, it was a thanks to the T-Phobos virus reviving her, and in the next six months she completely lost her grip on sanity as she became obsessed with killing her 'copy'.: White, in a stark contrast to Albert's black.: A monstrous version, but she still counts. She shows her stuff in Raid mode in her normal form.: She has 'saved' the island, but only to use its residents as experiments to the T-Phobos virus.: Becomes this on Barry's timeline.: She's very skilled with the piano. Fitting enough.: An unlockable file suggests that, for all she has contempt towards Spencer, she was fond of her 'brother', Albert Wesker; commissioning a family portrait of the two of them and mourning his death. Additionally, Stuart and her henchmen are devoted to the point of suicide towards her.: Will talk this way at times towards the other characters as a way to taunt them.: According to Spencer's notes in Lost in Nightmares, The Overseer's experiments to find the secret of immortality required 'thousands upon thousands' of test subjects. According to a note in Revelations 2, she fully intends to use bioweapons to create a new world, much like Spencer and her brother, Albert Wesker.: Half her role is basically an expanded upon version of Vincent Goldman's from the first, with a substantial amount of Alexia Ashford thrown in as well.: You can see her boobs when she mutates herself with Uroboros. It doesn't help.: Said to be the best and brightest of all the Wesker children, and eventually becomes a powerful abomination.: A variant of this trope: She intended to live on in Natalia's younger body as part of her plans for immortality.

The variation comes in that Alex Wesker always intended to commit suicide in order to kill off her original body, which would in turn cause her consciousness to awake inside Natalia as the new Alex Wesker. As outright shown in the Bad Ending and heavily implied in the Good Ending, she ends up succeeding.: She's unlockable in Raid Mode, but requires beating the campaign and the Omega Raid stage in Raid Mode (which is at default set to very hard).: In particular, her redesign for the RE Engine in Resistance, not that she was particularly unattractive in her Revelations 2 design. Pre-virus.: When she is about to shoot herself, she experiences extreme fear for her own life, shortly before she killed herself anyway.: Spencer gave her as much resources as she required to conduct her experiments to gain immortality. After she abandoned him, she continued working on it.

Files in-game, and her own dialogue towards Natalia, suggest she's obsessed with gaining it.: Post-mutation, she's prone to maniacal cackling.: Serves as a narrator for Raid Mode, 'encouraging' the player with odd quotes like 'Run, my little hairball! Spin those wheels!' .: Her clothing is bright white and is one of the most evil villains.: She seemed to actually love her 'brother', Albert Wesker, like a true sibling. Barry Burton took an immediate dislike to Alex once he learned about her connection to his treacherous former comrade in S.T.A.R.S., leading him to actually call Alex 'She-Wesker'.: In Resistance, her unique B.O.W. Is a giant, man-eating plant called the Yateveo.: While she was Spencer's favorite among the Wesker children and appeared loyal to him, she actually had been collaborating with her 'brother', Albert Wesker, since he had abandoned Umbrella, and would eventually abandon Spencer after getting him to bankroll her immortality research.: Averted. She has designed an experiment to transfer her mind to Natalia, which also required her to kill herself in her original body, but things went horribly wrong when she felt a moment of intense fear in the split second before she shot herself, triggering the virus in her body and reviving her as a monster.

She does not fail to see the irony in her predicament, and admits in a note that she has no-one to blame but herself. However, unable to stand the thought of a second, 'normal' Alex existing, the original condemns Natalia as 'false' and makes it her new life's mission to kill her. Amusingly, in Raid Mode, her dialogue for the 'Sorry' emote is 'It's not my fault.' .: As explained in files from, she is not genetically related to Albert Wesker.: Some natives from the Zabytij Island think she's evil from the moment she arrives, they're right.: When Alex manages to corner Natalia and start strangling her, she temporarily awakens the second Alex inside the girl. A green wireframe model shown at the opening cutscene of the game's Raid Mode, it was created by the Overseer to test out the Red Queen Alpha program.: Can be considered for Cycloid Gamma from the Street Fighter EX series.: Players need 90 completion medals to unlock it.

That means completing 90 missions by killing all enemies, at or below the level recommendation, without using herbs.: When first unlocked, all its weapon slots are locked, and it has only one innate active skill (drawing enemies towards it). However, its one passive skill replaces its default knife with a Samurai Sword, which has more damage and reach.: Doesn't have a face. A retired miner and lifelong resident of Sejm Island who managed to avoid being infected by the T-Phobos virus. He briefly appears in Episode 3 first holding up Moira before dismissing her and Claire and demanding they leave the island, and later as a corpse that Barry and Natalia discover six months later. He's also a central character in the DLC episode The Struggle.: He was one of the few, if not the only one, to feel that something was truly wrong about the. Unfortunately, most of the island locals, including his own daughter Irina, dismissed his concerns as the unfounded complaints of a.

Only when the gruesome evidence was right in front of her did Irina realize that her father had been right all along.: Surviving on the island before and after the Overseer's reign certainly makes him this. Despite coughing, it doesn't slow him down.: Manages to survive on the island for at least six months between the two campaigns and god knows how long before that with nothing but an old Mosin-Nagant and his hunting knife and a stashed away TOZ-194M.: You first meet him in Claire's campaign. By the time Barry arrives six months later, he's been dead for some time. He loses his will to live after finding out his daughter died when playing Moira's sidestory campaign.: Despite having a terminal disease eat away at him as well as killer mutants hunt him down throughout the island, he still pushes on and manages to survive a very long time. Sadly though, he loses the will to live and dies after finding a letter telling of Irina's true fate.: He's heard coughing several times. It doesn't slow him down. He eventually succumbs to his disease in the end once he finds out Irina is dead for good, complete with.: acts hostile towards Claire and Moira during their first encounter, but he rescues Moira later on and nurses her back to health.


Although he still acts all grouchy towards Moira, he eventually warms up and calls her 'kroshka', an he once called his daughter, Irina.: He constantly told Moira to 'face reality' and buck up in the face of their situation, but he himself could not face the reality that his daughter Irina had died years ago at the Overseer's hands.: To Moira.: Distrusted the Overseer when she came to the island. Turns out, he was right.: When the Overseer first arrived on Sejm Island, he immediately distrusted her due to her being a rich capitalist.

This was understandable, given that Evgeny, but this wasn't the reason why the Overseer shouldn't be trusted.: A lighter version of The Struggler: he helps Moira survive, but insists that she hunt her own food if she wants to eat.: He's the only original resident of the island still alive. He's still there because he isn't convinced his daughter Irina is dead, but loses all hope once he finds Irina's last letter in the mining facility. The Overseer's faithful servant, the game contains several unlockable files written by him. He apparently was in charge of her research staff and military forces.: To a lesser extent as he's more in charge of the island's military forces which are all monsters by the time the game begins.: While he was fanatically loyal to the Overseer and fully believed in her cause, he chose to 'atone' by having the rest of the research staff killed off and hanging himself when it appeared she would succeed, in order to not distract her.: He wrote several of the game files. You can discover his body in Claire and Moira's chapter of Episode 3, having hung himself.: To the Overseer.