Black And Bruised Jumping Janet

Black And Bruised Jumping Janet Rating: 5,9/10 2541 votes

Black Point is situated on the Yorke Peninsula approximately halfway between Ardrossan and Port Vincent and 165 km from Adelaide. Black Point was surveyed in 1954 and blocks pegged in 1957, to be sold beginning in 1958 by Alexander and Symonds. In 1960, lease fees were £9 a year, and in 1970 lease fees were $50 per year.

Tegan Chronicles

Masked Microbes 2

'I'm really sorry I had to wake you,' Tegan apologized for the tenth time after they'd unloaded the bike into the garage.

'I told you, I'm glad to help.' He looked at the bike. 'It's really not that bad, those scratches are minor and can be buffed out.'


'How 'bout you?'

'I'm ok.' She looked at the scuff marks on her riding chaps. 'A little bruised I'm sure, but nothing's broken.'

'I think you should let Doc check you out.'

'Sir?' She'd already asked him not to mention it to Janet.

'I know. I'll make you a deal, you take today off and I'll keep my mouth shut.'

'You drive a hard bargain.' She grinned.

'I could always make it an order.'

'I know, but I'll make it easy for you. If anyone asks I just took a personal day.'

'You know you're going to have to tell her sometime.' He warned again.

Tegan nodded.

'You should probably ice that knee.'


He tapped his forehead. 'Goodnight Tegan.'

'Goodnight and thank you.'

Tegan checked caller ID when the phone rang around ten thirty. It was base and she guessed who it was before the machine picked up. 'You've reached me, leave a message.'


'Hey, it's Janet. Colonel O'Neill said you took a personal day. Call me.'

Tegan continued down the hall to the bathroom and started filling the tub while she downed four Advil. She looked at her knee that was bruised on either side, and maybe a little swollen. It wasn't too bad, but the large dark purple and black bruise on her hip was tender. Although it looked worse than it felt, she'd been unable to roll on that side when she tried to sleep.

'Fraiser,' Janet answered the phone in her office.

'You called?'

'Yeah, are you sick?'

'No,' Tegan laughed lightly.

'I just wondered because it isn't like you to take leave without someone breathing down your neck.'

Tegan smiled knowingly, glad Janet couldn't see it. 'How was your weekend with Cass?'

'Long and trying,' Janet sighed. 'She's a teenager. Turns out I ruined Saturday because I made plans that overlapped her chess date with Sam. She ended up going and hanging out with some friends at the mall yesterday. I was going to call you, but you said you had things to do.'

'Yeah.' Tegan wished she had.

'Did you get everything done, or is that why you took off?'

She heard Jack's voice in her head reminding her she was going to have to tell Janet sometime. 'No, I've just been chilling today. I was in the tub when you called earlier.'

'Well, Sam's taking Cassandra out for dinner and they're going to play chess after. I promised I'd stay out of the way.' Janet checked her watch. 'Do you mind if I come over after work for a little bit? I'll even bring dinner.'

'You know I don't mind. I kind of need to talk to you anyway.'

'About?' She suddenly felt like she was in a free fall.

'We'll talk tonight.'

'Is everything alright?'

'It's fine Janet.' Tegan laughed as she realized what Janet must be thinking. 'We're fine. It's a long story and you should probably be getting back to work.'

'Pizza or Chinese?'


'Grilled chicken, or chef?'

'Surprise me.'

'Hey.' Tegan answered the door in a pair of light weight athletic pants and an old soft cotton Peace Frogs t-shirt she'd worn in med school. 'Want me to take those?'

'Nope.' Janet slid past her and said hi to Shadow as she went to the kitchen. She put the salads in the fridge and turned to see Tegan had followed her. 'You really were chilling.'

Tegan looked at her outfit, it wasn't all that bummy. She'd put on the athletic pants to cover the bruises until she figured out how to best broach the subject. 'Hey, I took a shower. Besides they're clean and they don't have any holes in them.'

Janet smiled, she loved pushing Tegan's buttons which was rare. She stepped into Tegan's space sandwiching her between herself and the edge of the counter. 'I missed you.'

'You saw me Friday.'

'Yeah, long enough to do your post mission physical. It feels like ages since I've seen you.'

'Really?' Tegan wrinkled her brow.

'Yes, really.' Janet stretched onto her toes and kissed Tegan's lips. 'I missed those lips.' She kissed them again. 'And your voice.' She kissed Tegan's neck. 'And your breasts.' She lowered her head placing a kiss on first her left and then her right breast through Tegan's shirt.

'You missed my breasts?' Tegan laughed heartily.

'And your lips.' Janet lifted her head again and trapped Tegan's lips with hers. Her hands traveling down her sides as Tegan gave into the passionate kiss.

Janet rested her hands on Tegan's hips, she immediately recoiled breaking from the kiss with a sharp intake of breath. She pushed back against the counter trying to escape Janet's hands.

'What?' Janet didn't understand what had just happened as Tegan pulled her hands back and maneuvered away from her.

'Nothing,' Tegan lied even as tears pricked her eyes. She tried to focus and center her breathing. The throbbing in her hip was making it almost impossible to think straight.

'Don't lie to me!' Janet tried to figure out what she'd done, and quickly made the connection. She also thought she knew what was up with the elastic waisted pants, and grabbed for the band. She pull pulled Tegan's pants down before she had time to protest. She saw the bruising peeking out above Tegan's underwear and gently pulled those down on the right with the pants, revealing a large back bruise slightly larger than the average dinner plate, and much less circular.

Tegan leaned her head back hitting it on an upper kitchen cabinet door and letting out a frustrated groan.

'This had better be the long story.'

She knew from Janet's tone she was pissed, maybe even a little hurt. 'It is, and there's more.'


Tegan nodded.

'I think you should let me check you over while you tell me the story.'

'I really am ok Janet, but,' She didn't let Janet interrupt, 'you're welcome to check me over. I already let Colonel O'Neill know I won't be jumping Wednesday.'

Janet nodded as Tegan led her into the bedroom. She let Tegan relay the entire story without interruption, and when she finished Janet order her to 'Strip!'

Tegan obliged, somehow knowing it was easier then insisting she was fine. 'Are you mad at me?'

'Were you really going to tell me?'

'Yes.' She didn't have to think about the answer.

Janet's trained eyes traveled Tegan's body. 'Your knee's swollen.'

'I know. I've been icing it. I've got full range of motion.' She bent her knee back to prove her point.

'But it's hurting.' Janet watched the slow movements coupled with Tegan's slightly clenched jaw.

'A little.'

'I wish you would have called me last night.'

'It was late.'

'If we lived together…' Janet started.

'But we don't, that was your-' Tegan stopped, she currently had no right to be mad at Janet.

Janet sighed and looked at Tegan's bruised hip. 'A raccoon huh?'


'I wish you would get rid of that bike.'

'Fine.' Tegan pulled her shirt back on. The right side of her body was sore. If she were completely honest, her whole body was sore.


Tegan took a deep breath and breathed out, 'really.'

She couldn't stop jumping just because Janet wanted her to, not that she'd ever really asked. But she could get rid of the Ducati if it would help her lover and best friend sleep better at night.

'So.' Janet helped her put her pants back on. 'How come you didn't tell me about this when you called?'

'You asked if I was sick, and I wasn't. Plus I didn't want you flipping out.'

'I didn't flip out.'

'You over reacted.'

'I did not.' She protested.

'You did.' Tegan kissed her forehead. 'Let's eat.'

Janet watched Tegan swallow several advil when they sat down to eat. 'Hurting?'


'Maybe you should take tomorrow off too?'

Tegan shook her head. 'I'll be in the lab all day.'

'I still want to see you in the morning.'

'I'm not jumping.'

'I want to get some x-rays and take another look at that knee.'

Tegan nodded and shoved a forkful of salad in her mouth.

'Will you really get rid of your bike?' Janet jabbed a piece of lettuce and chicken breast with her fork.

'I said I would.'


'Why what?' Tegan crunched on her salad.

'Why are you getting rid of it?'

You'll use up some parts, but otherwise it's free.The train cars you make go into your Yard (which is also accessible from the 'Craft' screen).The cars you create can either be engines or fuel cars.Adding engines to a train increases the number of cars you can carry at once, but the engines have to match.Adding fuel cars to a train increases the train's fuel capacity, but again, the cars have to match. Pocket trains map north america.

'Because you asked me to.'

'So, if I asked you to jump off the Golden Gate bridge?'

'You forget, I'm an adrenaline junkie.'

'True.' Janet thought for a second as she took a long drag of diet Pepsi. 'So, you're not getting rid of it because you wrecked it.'

'I've wrecked bikes worse than that.' She sat her fork down. 'You said you wished I would get rid of it, so I will. It's that simple.'

'Ok.' She couldn't contain her grin. 'Do you want to make plans for Friday?'

'With Cass or without?

Janet shrugged as Tegan put the lid on her leftover salad. 'It's up to you.'

'Why don't we do dinner and a movie at your place and Cassie can decide if she wants to hang with us or not?'

'Sounds good to me.'

'Sam?' Tegan tapped on the doorway to the physics lab.

'I heard you're not jumping tomorrow.' Sam looked up from the nuclear reactor blueprint she was studying.

'No, I – uh, had a little accident with a raccoon while I was riding the monster.'

'How bad?'

'Lost a foot peg, side mirror, a few minor scratches on the right panel.'

'I meant you.' Sam shook her head.

'My knee's a little swollen, and I landed on a set of keys in my pocket, so I've go a nasty bruise.' She indicated the size and location with her hands.

'Ouch.' Sam sympathized.

'Yeah, nothing's broken though.' Tegan looked at the floor for a second before looking back up to the blue eyes regarding her. 'I was wondering if you were interested in the bike.'

'It's a little out of my budget.'

'I haven't even told you what I want for it.'

'I know without asking I can't afford it.'

'Ten bucks.' Tegan grinned.

'You could get more for parts if you had totaled it.'

'It'll cost less than two-hundred to fix it.' Tegan was already aware of what she could get for the bike. 'I can give you a list of the parts and where you can order them from the cheapest.'

'If you're getting rid of the bike, then why did you price parts?'

'Because I didn't originally plan to get rid of it.'

'What changed your mind?' Sam smiled already knowing the answer.

Tegan glanced away and mumbled, 'Janet.'

'You know what Jack would say.'

'Yes I do.' She rocked back on her heels. 'So what do you say, about the bike?'

'I can't steal your bike.'

'Consider it a bargain. I'd like to know it's going to someone who will take care of it.'

'You could get a chunk of green for her.'

'If you don't want her just say so, but I don't need the money. So if you do want it, let me know.'

'Hey.' Sam walked into Tegan's lab an hour later. 'I think you hit your head too hard, and lost all your marbles, but I'll take it. This way if you change your mind you can buy it back.'

'Not going to happen, but thanks. I'm sure Colonel O'Neill won't mind hauling it to your place in the back of the truck.