Bubble Blaze Technique

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Most movers, especially the do-it-yourself kind, are so happy to finally arrive in their new home that they don’t even mind that the dinner plates are chipped, there’s a scratch on the coffee table or their favorite lampshade is bruised and battered. But there’s no reason your household goods should become casualties of the move. With a little care and planning, and these moving packing.

Oct 25, 2018

Useful techniques for Blaze which are not explained in-game.
Other Lethal League Blaze Guides:
  • All Unlocks.
  • Beginner's Guide.
  • Speed Scaling.
  • Candyman Guide.
  • Secret Taunt Costumes.
  • How to Unlock the Grand Slam Achievement.


Lethal League Blaze has a ton of hidden techniques that are not explained to you. I only know a handful at the moment, but I thought I'd put them here for all to see.
Be sure to purchase How to Play 2 in the Showcase. There are a few techniques in there you may not know which won't be explained here.

Techniques which Can Be Performed by Any Character


  • When you are lying on the floor after a big hit, there are 3 ways to stand back up. The first way is to press a movement direction and you will do a quick getup. The second way is to simply wait and eventually you will stand back up automatically. The third way is to press swing. When you press swing, if the ball is not near you, you will get up and be forced to taunt, which can be dangerous. If you press swing and the ball is near you, you will tether the ball to the front of yourself and make it so no one else can hit it temporarily. You are free to move with the ball during this time.

Fast Fall

  • After you reach the apex of a jump, pressing down in midair will cause you to fall much faster.

Candyman Techniques


  • If you run, crouch, and slide into a wall on either side of the stage, you will warp to the other side.

Jump Height

  • Candyman has the highest jump in the game. It goes almost all the way to the ceiling.

Continuing his special

  • If you hit the ball from your own special, it can continue traveling through walls. This can be done indefinitely.

Dice Techniques

Super Jump

  • If you hold crouch and then jump, Dice will jump much higher, as high as Candyman.

Bunt out of special

  • If you press bunt during Dice's special, after the ball hits the ground, it will act as if it was just bunted.

Doombox Techniques

Second Special

  • If you have full meter, you can spend it by pressing jump while crouching to perform a shockwave. The shockwave has a large range and hits the ball horizontally. It also knocks enemies away a fair distance.

  • Doombox does not have a second jump, but holding the jump button allows you to fly. The flight lasts about 3-4 seconds and you can move freely while flying. You can swing while flying, and hitting the ball extends the flight time. Bunting or throwing ends the flight.

Bunt out of special

  • During Doombox's special, you can press bunt to bunt the ball immediately instead of waiting for it to fly towards the opponent as normal.

Grid Techniques

Teleporting during special

  • When using Grid's special, he can teleport up to two times. Press the swing button and hold a direction to teleport. Teleporting sideways will hit the ball horizontally. Teleporting down hits the ball at a downward angle if you're still in the air. Teleporting upwards hits the ball at a shallower downward angle.

Bunting during special

  • After done teleporting with Grid's special, you can press bunt to bunt the ball out of his hands rather than hitting it normally.

Jet Techniques

Second Bubble

  • After you use Jet's special, if you hit the ball again while it is still in a bubble, you can use her special again to put the ball in another bubble. This can only be done once per special.


  • If you hold jump, Jet will hover in midair for about 1 second. You can move left or right during this time, but taking any other action will end it.

Ground Speed

  • Jet is faster than all other characters when running on the ground.

Latch Techniques


  • If you press the movement button towards a wall, Latch will cling to it. As long as you push towards the wall, Latch will stay on it. You can also move up and down on it, as well as swing. If you hit the ball while on the wall, you can angle it differently than you would be able to with Latch's other swings. Bunting or throwing will disconnect you from the wall.

Bunt out of mouth

  • There are two ways to end Latch's special: 1. Let the time pass and the ball will shoot out as normal. 2. Press bunt, which will bunt the ball out of Latch's mouth. Be careful when using the bunt, as quick enemies can hit it before you.

Nitro Techniques

Grappling Hook

  • When you use Nitro's special, if you hold down the swing button, Nitro will pull himself to the ball instead of pulling the ball to himself.

Bunt out of special

  • During Nitro's special, when he reaches the ball, you can press bunt and it will bunt the ball instead of hitting it.

Raptor Techniques

Wall Jump

  • If you press movement against a wall in midair, Raptor will begin sliding down it slowly. You can jump from this slide to do a walljump. This will cause Raptor to regain his midair jump, so you can stay off the ground indefinitely.

Bunt out of special

  • During Raptor's special, you can press bunt to bunt the ball instead of hitting it in a direction.

Delay Special

  • If you hold swing during Raptor's special, he holds the ball for longer and increases its speed when its released.

Sonata Techniques

Triple Jump

  • Sonata can jump twice in midair.

Switch Techniques

Second Special

  • If you press taunt in mid-air with full meter, Switch will perform his special move from Lethal League, which is a fast, downward-angled shot.

Wall Ride

  • If you jump towards a wall and hold both the jump button and the direction towards the wall, Switch will ride his skateboard on the wall and ceiling as long as you hold the buttons (or until he hits the other side). You do not need to change the direction you are holding at any point.

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Learn the specials of each character. Goes over each character's special in detail. Teaches how to use them, less so how to beat them. Includes pictures of angles.Other Lethal League Blaze Guides:.How to Special and Special MeterAbove is an image of the health bar and special meter. The health bar is the big yellow bar. The special meter is just below it, and it has three charges.To use your special, you first have to fill up your special meter. By default, you need 4 charges to fill the meter.

There are a couple ways to do this:. Hit or grab the ball. This fills 1 charge. Hit a bunted ball. This fills 2 charges.

(Down airs will only fill 1.). Taunt when you have 3 charges. This will give you the last charge to fill your meter. Parry someone successfully.

This completely fills your meter.When the meter is full, hit the ball and press the Swing button again before you release it (you can also press the Grab button). This will activate your special. Depending on your character, your special will do different things. Let's get into what each character can do now.RaptorRaptor can use his special out of a regular hit or a smash hit.

He cannot use it out of a down air.When he uses it, he flies into a tornado-looking spin (see the picture above). While you're in this spin, you can hold a direction to send the ball to. You can send it horizontally in front or behind you, or diagonally up/down in front or behind you. This gives you six different trajectories to send the ball that you can choose, and launches very quickly.You can also delay the ball release by holding the Swing button when you activate the special. This will make you stay in the tornado animation for a second longer before releasing the ball, and add a bit more speed to it. You can use this to fake out people who try to predict the timing of the release.If you hold the Bunt button while in the tornado animation, the ball will be bunted when it is released instead of hit.

The angles you can release at are a bit different when you bunt. You can go straight vertically up or down, or diagonally up-left/up-right.

Combine this with a double jump or a fast fall, and you can bunt out of your special and smash the ball very quickly.This image shows a rough sketch of what his angles are. Purple lines are regular hit angles, while green ones are bunt angles.CandymanCandyman can use his special out of a regular hit, a smash hit, AND a down air hit.Candyman will turn the ball into a special ball that passes through walls (some people call it a Candyball, others a Jawbreaker). When he uses his special, the ball will transform in his hands, but will still release it at the same time that it usually does. Because of this, you will want to use his special just as he is about to release the ball to give your enemies less time to react. Also note that Candyman cannot bunt out of his special.The Candyball will warp to the opposite wall that it passes through.

If you start it very close to a wall, it can travel just barely far enough to warp twice before disappearing, but usually the ball will only last long enough for one warp. However, if you predict where the ball will go, you can hit it again while it's still a Candyball, and it will reset its lifespan. What this means is that as long as you can keep hitting it, it will always stay as a Candyball.The speed of the Candyball is pretty much set. This means that if you activate a Candyball at low speeds, it will go about the same speed as if you activated it at high speeds.

This speed change combined with the warp allows you to trick opponents by getting the ball behind them.The angles you can release the Candyball at are as follows.For regular swings and smash hits:. Straight in front of you. Upwards, similar to your regular swing up-angle. Downwards.

On regular swings, it's much steeper than the regular swing down angle. On smashes, it is about as steep as a regular swing down angle.For down airs, the angles are the same as regular down air angles. You can send the ball straight down by holding down, above and behind you by holding back, and at a steep downwards angle in front of you by holding forward.Here is a picture of just his smash angles.SwitchSwitch has a pretty unique special. On its own, it's pretty straightforward, sending the ball at a unique, steeply horizontal angle. What sets it apart is that it can be used without actually having to hit the ball first.

Seafight bigpoint. To do this, just jump and hold the Taunt button while in the air. (You can also hold taunt while crouching or while riding on the ceiling to do a grounded version and an upside down version, but both are way less common and debatably less useful.) The picture above shows Switch throwing out his special in the air without having the ball.

If the special doesn't connect, your special meter won't get used up, so you can keep throwing out switchflips in the air until you get one.The hitbox for the switchflip is around your waist/the skateboard, so if you try an aerial switchflip and the ball comes at you from above, you'll still get hit (unless you do a ceiling ride switchflip to do an upside down version, in which case you'll still get hit from below).You can still activate switchflip out of a smash and a regular hit, of course (not down airs, though). Switch will release at the same speed as he would otherwise, so use his special just as the ball is about to release regularly to catch your enemies off guard. Using a standard switchflip like this will only allow the ball to travel in one angle in front of you, and you cannot bunt cancel out of it. The only exception is if you get an overhead smash, where the ball is above you and you hit it with the very start of your smash; if you land an overhead smash, you can reverse the angle of switchflip by holding back.Landing an aerial switchflip (the one where you hold Taunt) is always an instant release, meaning that the ball will launch about as soon as you touch it, leaving your opponent with very little time to react. You can also send the ball at an alternate angle: Behind you. Just hold back as soon as the switchflip connects to do this. You can still send at the standard in-front angle by just holding forwards/not holding anything, too.

This is just like the overhead smash angle mentioned in the previous paragraph, only it doesn't require the ball to be above you.While the angles are simple, the fact that you can spam this special in the air until it connects, as well as the fact that it can be held out for a long time by holding Taunt, make it a very easy-to-connect move and a powerful tool for turning the tables on your enemies.Here's an image of the angles switchflip can send at. Note that the one that goes behind him can only be used with an aerial switchflip, not a standard one.SonataSonata's special is a bit unique.

When you release the ball, it will first launch in front of you in a direction you hold, then will travel in any direction you hold a second later, and will travel in your held direction AGAIN a second later. Basically, you can redirect the ball twice in the air.This special can be used out of a regular hit, a smash hit, and a down air. The initial angle of release can be straight, down angled, or up angled, but it MUST be in front of you (unlike the two air redirection angles).

For down airs, the initial angle must be either straight in front of you or down angled in front of you (it can't be sent up). The special cannot be bunted out of. The special has a set speed, meaning it will get put at a certain speed once specialed regardless of the ball speed before it was specialed. This special does not have an instant release (it releases when the ball normally would), so activate it just as you're about to release the ball regularly.When you activate this special, you can hold directions to redirect it in the air (as I've already said), but you can also move Sonata at the same time.

This will allow you to pull the ball back to Sonata and hit it again while it's still being specialed.