Rusty Hearts Classes

Rusty Hearts Classes Rating: 6,4/10 327 votes

In this knitting class, I'll teach you the basics of hand knitting. Whether you're an absolute novice or you want to refresh some rusty skills, this beginner class will get you going!Four exciting and useful projects will build your knitting skills over time, adding new techniques along the way. You'll make a basic scarf, a stretchy ribbed scarf, a striped hat in the round, and a pair of basic mittens.You'll become familiar with the language of knitting patterns and gain the confidence to seek out new knitting projects on your own.Enter an Instructables Contest!If you've used the skills you've learned in this class to write a great instructable, try entering it in one of our for a chance to win some amazing prizes! ​ Becky Stern is a designer and content creator at Instructables. She has authored hundreds of tutorials about crafts and technology. She lives in New York City and enjoys riding her motorcycle, making YouTube videos, and collecting new hobbies.She's been knitting for almost 20 years and gets the itch to pick up some needles whenever the frost nips.

These 4 classes all play an important role in the story that develops in Rusty Heart. You will follow the story of four adventurers in Rusty Hearts. Rusty Hearts Overview. Rusty Hearts was a free-to-play action MMORPG with brawler elements. Play as one of four characters—Frantz, Angela, Tude, and Natasha—that are the protagonists of the Rusty Hearts story, each with their own weapon specialization.

Becky's knitted Laptop Compubody Sock sculpture went viral in 2008.Her work has been featured by VICE, the BBC, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Engadget, CNN, Business Insider, Forbes, and Science Friday.

In Rusty Hearts, there are 4 basic characters to choose from. Some have different forms of the character, but the abilities remain the same. They provide a different look when used, and that appeals to some people more than the stock avatar.

The characters are as follows:-Frantz(Alt. Leila and Roselle)-Angela(Alt. Meilin Chen)-NatashaLeila? Who are they? These are alternate characters, they give an entirely different look but keep the same skills as the default (As explained above). Leila and Edgar are free characters, so don't worry about spending money for them. Roselle and Meilin are both pay characters, and they are paid for using Perfect World Entertainment's 'Zen' (.this is explained in more detail in the next section).

These two come with optional 'special packages' where you can get the avatar, a costume box (.explained in next section), and even bonuses like Health and MP restoring potions. The skills stay the same, the focuses stay the same, but the look and animations are different. As a side note, they all also have their own unique costumes.Roselle and Meilin are now free to create.

Ian is the announced replacement for Natasha, but has yet to be released in the US. Believe it or not, making your character look good does have some practical use! The four characters all come with their default outfit, and provide no special bonuses or extra aesthetic appeal. However, costumes can be made in game with a variety of ingredients to give your character a bit of a different flavor. These 'design shop' costumes are completely free and only require materials you can get in game. Costumes beyond the design shop however, are paid for with real money which is converted into Perfect World Entertainment's 'Zen'.

Zen comes in various amounts, which can be deducted from your steam wallet or by paying to the company through their website. All cash costumes are given level purple rarity ('Epic' rank) and can generally fetch high prices (.note that the market changes so no one price is forever).

Non-cash costumes cannot be traded, and therefore have no price what so ever.There are also 'limited time' costume packs you can buy. Costume packs are usually sold for around 1,300 Zen ($13) and usually feature a costume not otherwise obtainable in addition to a special title. Chistmas costume packs are 'limited time' costume packs. This isn't to say if you don't use it that it will suddenly go away, it just means there's a limited window to buy it in the store. Once a pack is gone, it's GONE. Each year they release a new set of four for the default, and four for the alternate avatars. Weapons and armor, not much you can do without either.

Each standard character has their own set of unique weapons, which their alternate avatars can also weild. For each of the base characters, there are three unique sets of weapons avalible. Once a weapon is chosen, it behaves differently from the other two weapons deticated to that character.

In addition, only certain characters can equip weapons. Tude cannot equip a Magic Sword because it is an Angela item) Weapons for other characters can be found however, and sold or crafted into metal (.crafting explained in next section). Here are the weapons avalible for each 'class':Frantz/Leila/Roselle:-Single Sword-Twin Swords-AxeAngela/Edgar:-Magic Sword-Scythe-GlaiveTude/Meilin:-Gauntlet-Claws-Demon HandsNatasha:-Revolvers-Musket-Weapons bagWhat do each of them do? What is a 'focus'? This will all be discussed in a later entry which will be labeled as such.

There are a total of twelve weapons to focus on, with three per character it can be quite a difficult decision to make since once you pick it there's no going back! To start with, I'd like to say if you take to a certain weapon than you should stick to it. Be aware that the play style may change a bit when you pick your focus, and some of the abilites you have when you were unfocused will be replaced or removed all-together. However, new ones will often take their place and have their own seperate advantages. This also means if you find another type of weapon for your selected character you will be unable to weild it. To compensate for this, your focused weapon will be more powerful in addition to the weapon specific abilities you will gain.(The proceeding section is to my OPINION, and i have gained focus in all except Demon hands, which will be worked on later)Frantz/Leila/Roselle:-Single sword.

I find single sword to be a balance between speed and power, some attacks with charge abilites and some without. It's not the amazing and bewildering speed that twin swords offer, and it's certainly not the slow moving and stunning effects that an axe would offer, but its strength comes from being able to both move quickly and deal heavy damage to the enemy. All abilites seem to flow together in one stream and can be easily activated in almost any order, giving it a smooth consistancy. Using the stunning 'heart breaker' doesn't break the flow, and neither does following it up with a fairly rapid soul bleeder or sword upper. Abilities have great function and fairly quick cooldown times regardless of charge level, meaning more flexibility. I have Sword as a main for my Frantz, simply because i find single sword so appealing and easy to solo with.-Twin Swords. Heavy on rapid movement and high combo numbers, it's a bit of a rush to play twin swords after a focus with its variety of quick and flashy attacks.

Any fan of speed would be at home with Twin Swords. The abilites have a fairly low cooldown time, which you'll pretty much forget about when you're making hasty basic attacks and ripping through enemies. Spiral stinger recieves a big upgrade, getting four hits rather than one, and both types of the assault skill ('Assault' and 'Aerial Assault') are absolutely amazing to watch in action. I found my jaw dropping open the first time I used Aerial assault at how effective it was and how damn cool it was just to look at it.

None of the skills except for Piercing Lance charge, and i often find attacks like 'Dark Material' and 'Bleeding Attack' really disrupt the flow of combat with their activation times despite their excelent damage. Twin Swords act as my second favorite Frantz, I like to feel a bit of a rush and enjoy the spectacularly flashy dance of the two blades working together.-Axe.

Slow, but strong. Axe has intense physical damage and can cause stun when many abilites are used. Before focus, it's just slow and junky with almost no chance to stun what so ever. Once you select it as a focus however, it's rate of stun is very frequent. The attacks are all based on charging, only one or two don't charge and they easily make up for it in very long cool down times. The reason for being so slow is because they're powerhouse attacks, charging dark storm fully was insane to watch as she (My axe character is Roselle) spun around rapidly and tore up everything that got in her way. One very helpful ability an axe focus has is 'Armor Break', one extremely heavy strike that reduces an opponents armor to 0, which on a boss allows you to score MASSIVE damage very quickly but comes with a fairly hefty recharge time for doing so.

Axe has abilities that make your jaw drop due to how powerful or painful some of the attacks look. It's not about speed, big combos, or magic damage, it's about strength and power. Angela:Magic Sword- When I first saw this weapon, I didn't think much of it. It was kinda clunky, slow, and a bit weird to use for me. Then I realized, i'm supposed to be playing a magician!

This mistake was more a personal issue because in general I avoid magician characters like the plague. Magic Sword made me re-think my opinion on magic characters, and Glaive redefined it completely.

I find the magic sword's attack speed to be a little on the slow side, but it's enough of a reminder for me to use magic. To put it to a percentage, Magic Sword is about 60% magic and 40% melee. I find skills like 'Wall of Fire', 'Windy Blast', and 'Rock Fist' are excelent moves to use when smacking enemies aside with your hefty sword, pileing on extra elemental and regular damage to boot. Glaive and Magic Sword Share two power moves in common ('Paper Cut' and 'Blinding Beam'). Both skills are lethal against regular enemies, and Blinding Beam can quite literally be treated as a 'room nuke' like the ability 'Sandstorm' before focus when you first obtain it.

Sandstorm is avalible to all focuses, and should be used in conjunction with another area skill to maximize effectiveness. The only downside i've taken note of with this focus is that some of the more powerful attacks can be easily interrupted due to their slightly long charging times.Scythe- Scythe was a focus I thought would be amazing. My friend made constant use of this weapon before Re-born, and would wipe rooms in a single 'Sandstorm'. However, after the balance patches, the reborn update, and a few more happenings, Scythe's power shrank more than I was prepared for. I chose an Edgar for my scythe, and pre-focus it seemed to be the ideal choice for a magician.

It sucked up some MP, but the benefit for this was the Scythe's INSANE amount of magic damage. After I finished my focus quest, I was prepared to challenge Vlad's forces with a mystical iron fist at my side. The results of my change.were not at all pleasing to me. Expecting to melee with a scythe is a bad idea to begin with, but I knew that already.

My most beloved 'Wall of Fire' was a seemingly good melee based attack with magic damage, but even if it did hit its target, you were left wide open to many strikes. The Scythe is the slowest of all weapons, of all classes in my opinion. It's not hard to figure out that slow weapons + wide openings make for a LOT of damage being taken.

If you have an enemy who can interrupt your attacks? Scythe is the WORST of ANY focus to solo with. If you're a lone wolf who only occasionally parties up, this weapon is garunteed to make your experiences hell. Not to say it's the worst thing out there (you'll see what I mean in the Natasha section), but I personally find no benefit as a lone wolf to even have this focus aside from partying or showing off. But to Scythe's the end.'

Ice Crystal' and 'Ice Blade' are INCREDIBLE skills to have and use. Is it worth that though? To me, it definitly isn't.I've been doing some extra work with the scythe, and although my point still stands, i've discovered some upsides to the scythe. The magic damage despite the nerfs is still incredible, and in order to really appreciate this weapon you have to NEVER use melee. It still sucks down MP, but the point of a magician is to use magic over all else. Scythe reminds you you're playing a character meant to abuse spells and keep your distance from most foes. With the upgrade to 'Wall of fire' it becomes much more effective and can close some of the enemy's ability to retaliate against youGlaive- This focus changed my entire perception on magic characters, and it's no secret I love this weapon.

A real Glaive (yes, this is a real weapon) looks a bit different than any of the ones you can equip in game. I find this focus to be the half way point of Melee and Magic damage, regardless of what any in-game numbers might say. I find myself twirling the Glaive over my head and using the ability 'Rising Smash' for melee as I do casting spells 'Sandstorm' and 'Final Strike' for magical purposes. As a warrior by nature, I find myself sometimes forgetting i'm playing a mage and that I can't simply start swinging and expect to walk away scott-free in fabric armor.

Skills like 'Glaive charm', 'Rock Fist', and 'Magic Missile' retain their original pre-focus uses, but the inclusion of the unique skills 'Final Strike' and 'Rising Smash' bring new options to the table. What makes the Glaive even more unique? As a polearm, it provides something that the other weapons sometimes lack: Reach.

Almost every skill you can learn in this focus will give you a range other weapons simply can't match in the Angela class. However, reach and variety come at a cost to you. Being jack-of-all-trades and master of none, you may sometimes feel like your damage isn't cutting it when compared to other Angela class weapons. I find the Glaive to be best suited for the taste of anyone who tackles dungeons alone, you'll NEED that kind of variety to make it out alive.

Remember this however, you're a magician first and a warrior second. Gauntlet- Gauntlet was the first focus I took when I made a Tude, and it's a choice i've never so much as thought twice about. The type of Gauntlet I chose to use ignored Ki-Gong/Shouts entirely, focusing instead on grabs, savage, and fighting skills. Gauntlet is in my opinion the fastest and most balanced of all the Tude focuses. It provides moves that can range from fast and furious, to slow and brutal. 'Savage Charge' recieves an incredible upgrade, able to not only shock enemies with lightning damage when charging up, but still delivers an equally lethal impact blow when completed.

Not all attacks can be easily comboed or are lightning fast. Skills like 'Power Stomp' and 'Pounding attack' are slower, but make up for it with their high damage numbers. 'Pounce' is made somewhat useful with this focus, allowing you to cover a large distance fairly quick as enemies start to spawn in an area. 'HP recovery' will keep you in top shape, and the passive ability 'Kick' will become an INCREDIBLE asset to your already varied arsenal. Rather than like the Glaive, where lack of 'mastery' will cost you in damage, the gauntlet's different types of attacks are often easy to interrupt or be stopped by monsters.

This can gain you a lot of frustration fairly quickly, but a few evasive manuvers can set you straight. By far the most useful buff you can get for this focus is 'concentration', at Max (around level 30) You have a +50% critical chance for a Ten minute period which can cause some amazing damage numbers.Claw- I took this focus all the wrong way when I first spent my skill points. It was disjoined, frustrating, and slow. However, once I properly learned to invest my abilities the Claw became equal if not surpassing in my opinion of the Gauntlet in the Tude focuses. Claw will take you by surprise as being incredibly fast, even beating the speed of the Demon Gloves.

Dempsy roll, Savage charge causing bleed, and 'Claw' getting poison damage all contribute to making this focus stand out as being great. The lack of a concentration skill, or.the lack of any good buffs in the Ki-Gong skill tree do weigh it down a little bit in addition to suffering the 'if you can't hit, it don't do (oops)' problem. Especially concidering that the Claw becomes a very slow weapon if you can't land any hits to chain combo attacks on. Even with this, i'd rank Claw at if not better than Gauntlet in the Tude focus spectrum when done right.Demon Gloves- Yes I'm aware in the game the say 'Demon Hands' but in the trailer they're called 'Demon Gloves' and from what I understand they are also called 'Heavy Gauntlets' in certain languages. Demon Gloves are all about heavy, pounding attacks. 'Savage charge' becomes a non-elemental leap forward where Tude smashes his Gloves into the ground.

This type of attack is mimiced in many of his skills, and when combined with a shout like 'Concentration' can be used with DEVISTATING effects on enemies in dungeon. Demon Gloves come at one slight disadvantage though, and that is their speed when paired with accuracy. If you swing with a demon glove, it's a big swing.

This isn't claw level slow, but it's enough to count when you can't hit. All you need is one fairly fast enemy to move, and your attacks will be completely useless unless you can predict movement or get a lucky strike.

In addition to this, reach can be an issue to your ability to hit but can easily be remedied with a Savage Charge or Pounce. Revolvers- Revolvers are like the Twin Swords of the Natasha class. They're lightning fast, have many awesome looking attacks, and have abilities designed to keep up a fast pace in a game. I've found that a Twin Sword + Revolver pair can work just as well as an Axe + Revolver pair. Skills like 'Shoot 'Em Low', 'Aerial Assault', and 'Gattling Barrage' keep things lively and exciting. To the contrast of this; skills like 'Ignite Oil Slick', 'Windmill', and 'Land Mine' are designed to keep a sense of strategy and careful use in mind. This focus at times seems to lack a lot of damage when it comes to basic attacks, just like Twin Swords.

However, buffs like 'Ice Bullet' and 'Flame Bullet' can really help make up for some not so great base damage by peppering in some bonus elemental extras. And yes, the elements do stack but the bullets do not.

I found using 'Ice Bullet' followed by 'Ignite Oil Slick' can make for some hefty, long term damaging effects (neverminding that the revolver I tested it with had an ADDITIONAL poison buff on it, which stacked rather nicely on top of all that). With Revolvers, you're up close and personal, leading to the posibility of taking many hits and taking them rather quickly. Balance being 'in their faces' and at a short distance with this focus.Musket- The Musket focus for me came out of left field and surprised me with not only how much fin it is to play, but how effective and powerful it can be.

Pre-focus, it didn't look like much. It had a different attack animation, and took a FAR different approach to things than a revolver would. To me, it seemed extremely confusing as to what attacks I would need as I went into my focus. But as I grew to know the musket more, I realized that my old revolver style tactics were leading me to more and more frustration as I tried to copy and paste them onto my Musket.

The Muskets style is to stay in the back of the battle for a bit, then finish off whatever is left of the enemies semi-up close. Skills like 'Catacalysmic Shot', 'Piercing Round', and 'Lock-on' were all PERFECT ways to thin out a large crowd of monsters, in addition to pileing on damage by using these right in a row. 'Blinding Burst' is a buff technique that causes 50% stun chance at level ONE of its unlocking, and I swear by that skill. Musket is an entirely different animal when put next to a pair of revolvers, so different in fact i'm almost surprised they share a character together! Soloing with a Musket is strange business, but can be done just as easily as with a pair of revolvers. The downside is that it can be very hard to judge when it's time to get close and when you're better off at a distance, the lack of eye contact with the enemy sometimes leads to taking more than a few hits and even a few shots not getting their targets.Weapons Bag- I'm sorry, I hate this focus.

I don't even try to hide it, I don't sugar coat it. When I mentioned 'the worst' in my Angela analysis and made a reference to my Natasha analysis having the worst, this is it. I find using the weapons bag extremely tedious, simply because it's mindless X mashing while standing in one place CONSTANTLY.

Many of the skills are the same way, you stay in place and hope nothing hits you to interrupt your technique. Musket has some standing shots, but with a Musket you can stay back in combat and some abilities encourage that. Weapons Bag wants you to get up close and personal, but stay at mid range and back off at the same time.

This skill mess ends up pleasing no part of the three, and leads to no real use of strategy, just mashing X. What will I give the weapons bag as credit?

The attacks look kinda cool. Tossing grenades, the bag taking all kinds of different forms with their extensions, and the coolest looking attack of all: Jet Bike. It just looks AWESOME. To me, the other ones look plain stupid, and the final attack 'bunker' is the biggest waste of skill points this side of my claw tree. You've recently gotten your focus, and you're all set with your Skill Master's weapon. Then you realize: 'My god. My skill bar is empty!'

Your first thought is most likely that you need to get the skills you liked back to get a sense of familiarity, or you're just going to invest in what looked good at the time. For some focuses?

De Blob 2 is the sequel to the series of puzzle platform games, which was launched to fans in 2008. After building this city, a new map will be unlocked, allowing you to continue building a new city. With the main objective of rebuilding its own colorful city, players will control Blob character. In addition to the missions in Color mode, the character is also allowed to participate in time races to defeat the enemy, even to rescue Graydian (Blob’s best friend) from the evil monsters. Thanks to his special power, the character can mix colors and paint on special objects, building a vivid landscape for the city. De blob 2 switch.

This idea works alright. Unless you have the 1.2 million gold peices or are willing to spend real money for a skill-point've made a change you can never fix and have just layed your character to rest.How can you fix this?

Well, for those of you unfamiliar with Rusty Hearts I highly reccommend you check around the Perfect World forums, and maybe you'll get some helpful advice.' Maybe' isn't a good word for something you really can't change. Some people have different preferances than others, and those may not be yours. I've also seen some reccommendations that have FAILED miserably.

To avoid problems like this, I have made a 'how to spend' section in this guide for each character with their focuses to tell you what's good and what to skip out of my own experiences. I'd rather just I use SIX skill point resets than you suffering the same fate.

In the labeled sections below, i'll give you what I've used for my characters and why i've enjoyed them so much.Remember: They aren't at level 50, so I can only give what I have. Most are around 3040 so you'll get a good chunk of information about how to spend what you've got. Beyond this is where you're on your own, but my levels should cover the majority of the skills in most trees.PLEASE NOTE: I am a pure PVE player and this is all how I found to spend these skillpoints best. You may disagree with them, or have points of your own. General Consensus among players I know and have asked find my spent points agreeable with some variations here and there. This isn't meant to be a 'spend it this way and that's IT', it's just a way to avoid using skill resets on mistakes. Take with a grain of salt.

Items in Rusty Hearts come in five distinct rarities, each has their own coloured border around the edge when in your inventory or in text when on the ground as loot. The classes are as follows (lowest to highest):-Normal, 5th class (White border)-Magic, 4th class (Green border)-Rare, 3rd class (Blue border)-Unique, 2nd class (Yellow border)-Epic, 1st class (Purple border)Obviously, the higher the class, the more rare the item. Epic gear doesn't appear until around level 25-30 and you will recieve a notification around those levels to indicate their appearence. Gems, crafting items, and cash shop items follow under different rules when it comes to appearance and what rank they will appear as. The above ranks still apply, but only equipment such as armor or weaponary will show up as all of these ranks.Crafting?

It's gathering/smelting armor into workable materials or picking up many materials inside dungeons in order to create certain items. (.note that crafting items in Ruska's forge are level 10+ for weaponary, Chain, and Plate armors. Gina's store which allows the crafting of leather and fabric follow the same rule)All crafting items in either the forge or the clothing shop are of 'Rare' rarity, and will have a blue box around them. Why choose these? Even though higher rarity doesn't always mean better, this is usually the case. 'Rare' and 'Unique' items often come with their own unique buffs such as bonus elemental damage infused into every strike (yes the buffs stack, so a wind attack with fire damage bonus will do wind AND fire damage to your opponent). Even without bonus elemental damage, some of the buffs provided can add extra physical and magic damage along with a host of other bonuses you'll find to be very helpful during your dungeon raids.I've discussed the benefits of crafting items, what they mean in terms of rarity, and touched on buffs.

The most important part of crafting an crafting it. As I mentioned very breifly, you need to get materials by collecting items in dungeon.

Each item you pick up or recieve from a random card draw (your 'end of dungeon reward' screen) has a specific look to it, but also has a label such as 'leather' or 'chain' below its name when hover your mouse over it. To get the needed metal or other item from it, take the items to the Dismantler next to Ruska in the blacksmith's shop. (it looks like a skull with a smokestack coming from it.for some reason).The item yeild is as follows:Plate + Chain - SteelLeather - LeatherFabric - FabricAll weapons - SteelWhat about ear rings, necklaces, rings, etc?

They can't be broken down. Sell them on the auction house (explained later), sell them to a shop, give them away, or if you feel you need to.trash them. If you've played after or while reading this guide, i'm sure you've seen people with some pretty cool looking gear. The costumes? Those are nice, but your eye is most likely drawn to their weapons. The glowing ones, the ones that are golden in colour or have very unique looks to them. You're most likely looking at Unique level weapons crafted from the souls of fallen bosses.I'm taking a bosses soul and using it as a weapon!?

Occasionally, when playing in a dungeon on Hard mode or higher, you may see a yellow rarity item that says '(monster)'s soul peice'. This is one of the three ingredients used in crafting one of these weapons.These soul weapons are often much better than your crafted blue rarity weapons, even with only one level difference. A soul weapon is NOT to be simply discarded in favor of the weapon that's only a few levels up of the blue rarity, you hold onto these weapons for a long time. I once had a yellow armor helmet for my Natasha I obtained at level 20, and it was only replaced when I got a yellow helmet for her at level 30!

These weapons are literally that good.How about the armor? Well, armor is a more internal bonus for your character as you can't see it on them.

This doesn't mean it's not there, or isn't a good idea to have, it's opposite to that idea. Even if your character isn't decked out in the most fancy looking costume, having an amazing armor set under those drab or trite looking clothes is worth more to you than any amount of fabulous wear. Not to say having a costume is bad, but incredible armor is better than incredible looks.Enough rambling from me, you're here to learn how to craft these items.The necessary materials are as follows:-Monster's soul peices-Mithril-Weapon relevant to the level and class you're craftingSeems generic doesn't it? Well, there's a LOT of area to cover when I talk about these items.

Levels 9-14 require Worst Mithril, 15-23 require Poor mithril, 26-34 require Decent Mithril, 36-44 require Great Mithril, 46-49 require Best Mithril. And that's just weaponary! Armor in terms of Chain and Plate meet similar standards, but Fabric and Leather deal with seperate materials. As you ascend in level, you need more and more soul peices to create the items.

The Blue items needed for crafting your yellow items are easily made at the blacksmith or clothing store, so even if you're holding it, just de-equip it and with all materials present the yellow weapon can be made.Where do I make it and what's the cost? At level 10, the skill masters pop up when you finish the quest 'saving Joheim' in the cellar sewers and you return to Nadia for the reward.

Under Estel (the gypsy), one of her options should be 'item craft'. This is where you'll make your items. The price is fairly cheap, since the most expensive item which is a level 49 weapon, costs 11,500 gold to craft, money shouldn't be a problem for most. This guide isn't even CLOSE to being done.

I'm trying to get my screenshots to co-operate with me.and so far they've given me the technological middle-finger. So, i'm still going to try and write more of this guide when i can. Drama practice, Mid-terms, and life itself are good at keeping one busy! This section will likely be here until i'm almost finished, so hang tight as this guide is completed step by step. I sincerely hope that any of the information i've given is helpful to you-EternallyPrussian. Judeka, Level 42 Sword Frantz.Hikirin, Level 35 Glaive Angela.JudekaX, Level 32 Twin Sword Frantz.Nakimuri, Level 31 Revolver Natasha.DaryllGauntlet, Level 32 Gauntlet Tude.NakiMusket, Level 34 Musket Natasha.Kuraigin, Level 40 Axe Roselle.ParvusMachina, Level 30 Scythe Edgar.Automatische, Level 25 Weapons Bag Natasha.Shaela, Level 30 Magic Sword Angela.Kentatsume, Level 35 Claw Tude.Nashiriku, Level 14 Meilin (no focus).RaskeHender, Level 26 Demon Gloves Tude.ShinkunoIkari, Level 23 Sword Roselle.I play on server West.