Cloudberry Kingdom Ending

Cloudberry Kingdom Ending Rating: 5,8/10 6362 votes

Originally posted by vicviperman:Or is it all just run forward as fast as you can through the one pre determined safe path?The premise of a never ending platformer sounds interesting, but without enemies or something other than 'see if you can find the ONE safe path for your character' it seems kinda dull. Only the very hardest levels are 'find the one safe path for yourself'.

Cosmetic paradise nds. Co-Op gameplay information about Cloudberry Kingdom on Playstation 3. Find co-op news, reviews, and more info about this game. Up to four player gaming with local multi-player and Co-Op modes.

All the rest have multiple ways of completing them.No, there are no 'real' enemies, but it's still a platformer. Enemies don't define the genre. Archeage gameplay pc. Originally posted by:I've played hundreds of levels and not a single one HASN'T been ' run forward as fast as you can through the one pre determined safe path.' Sure, if you happen to make a mistake you might have to fudge the path a little, but the perfect route is usually pretty obvious as the obstacles clearly line up for you.

It's basically a game of follow the blue gems with the correct timing.I agree with your description, it's very much like that - especially as it gets harder. I don't mind it myself, but it won't be to everyones taste.

Remember a few months back when I said you should the Cloudberry Kingdom Kickstarter? Well, those few months are effectively forever in development terms, and the time has been used to not only tweak just about every setting under the sun, but also give the game a complete facelift.

The Cloudberry Kingdom of May is looking very different than the Cloudberry Kindgom of November.The basics have remained the same, though. Cloudberry Kingdom is a procedurally generated platformer, with every level created by the AI in the second before you get to play it.

No matter how crazed, twisted, or insane the layout gets, you can hit a button and watch the PC sail through all obstacles without a scratch. Ghost platforms that fade in and out of existence, lasers, swinging obstacles in all shapes and sizes, bouncy blocks, and many, many other obstacles can combine in ways requiring pinpoint precision to get past, and the level designing AI gets utterly ruthless on the highest settings. Thankfully for us mere mortals, the mid-range difficulties provide a nice workout without requiring superhuman reflexes to survive.Reflex is the name of the game, though, in any of Cloudberry Kingdom’s levels. The random generation means that gameplay is about survival rather than poking around for secrets, a pure platforming experience that focuses on timing and positioning. It does a lot with that, especially by providing a large number of differently-powered heroes to choose from, and the levels are always designed around that hero’s skills. There have been several new types of hero added since May, such as Phase Bob, who changes gravity rather than jumping, but the level AI seems to have gotten far more clever for even the old-guard heroes.

Moving blocks are better placed, new obstacles cause new headaches, and enemies are better positioned both to get in the way and use as stepping stones. All the modes from the first look are all still there, although Story Mode has yet to be unlocked, but Free Play and Arcade are loaded with tons of options. Free Play lets you choose a hero, play with the sliders controlling level design and a few other settings, and go to town with endless variations based on your choices. Arcade has four different types of gaming, staring with an endurance run where each level is harder than the last and ending with a time attack where every new level gets a random combination of character powers to figure out and try to survive with. As for Story Mode, the only details so far is that Pwnee Studios got the husband and wife acting team of Kevin and Sam Sorbo to provide voices.Six months is a long time in game development terms, especially when it’s the final push to completion. Cloudberry Kingdom was already looking like a fun platformer trying something different back in May, and the time since has been put to good use ironing out the rough edges and applying a complete graphical makeover to every aspect of the game. It’s been fun watching the game come together over time but it’s now November, and almost time to launch.


The launch date is a little uncertain at this point, and isn’t helped by Pwnee Studios by Hurricane Sandy, but whenever it comes out, it will be a welcome addition to the PC and Wii U’s library.